To forgive or to avenge

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Standing before Rhynn, the woman looked over her shoulder to the blown out doorway. Then Just as Equally slow, she look back to Rhynn. "Please I have no way of saving him." He pleaded. She took a step or two backwards before she darted out of his sight.

Visibly upset he grabbed his sword and returned it to its place behind his head. Glaring he looked at the doorway where she left. His frustration began to build as he watched his friend struggle to breathe.

He weighted the idea of hunting her down; but he dismissed it abruptly. He began to worry he would yet again have to watch his hunting companion die. This was beyond repulsive to him. He was about to leave and reasoned that he would allow Jonah to die alone. His inner conflict distracted him. Glancing up suddenly he realized; Standing in front of him the woman had returned.

"Use the animals venom to heal him." She said urgently.
"What?! Are you trying to kill him?!" He argued.
"Out of my way." She huffed and pushed Rhynn aside.

"Give me your mend unit." She opened her palm as he reached into a hidden storage device in his thigh and handed the cylinder like unit to her. This device was a small medical device all hunters carried. It did a little bit of everything, it was often used as a syringe.

It was used in situations where a visit to a medical unit was impossible. It could render, and modify biological elements.

She collected the dark blue substance and injected a copious amount into Jonah. The results were near instant. His flesh began to revert to a healthy condition. Most reassuring however was the fact he was breathing on his own.

She seemed pleased with herself as she sighed and watched vitals return to normal. All the while, Rhynn silently watched her. He almost seemed puzzled or confused. It was possible he also could have been amazed. She However, for her part,  ignored his dead pan face, and sighed deeply and sat next to Jonah.

After a moment or so passed she braced herself and breathed in. "I assume you recognize me Rhynn?" She asked as she rested her head against a wall and closed her eyes. He tried not to act any different.

He didn't want her to think he remembered her, or for her to know; he hadn't stopped thinking about her. But how could he? She was the very reason a ruthless bounty hunter like him had handed in his license to kill.

Noticeably He changed his position and fidgeted several times. She smiled without even seeing Rhynn.

"You say nothing, but your body tells me you do." She opened her eyes as tears filled up her eyes. "My name is Eindri you killed my mother Kryla Brinn." She stood up and approached the dead carcass of the Morder. She removed her sword, and stood again near the slightly apprehensive Rhynn. "I would very much like to kill you. But somehow I feel I would only remain as empty as I am now. Or at the very least; As empty as you are now."

Rhynn abruptly stood up and faced Eindri. He drew his sword and stood closer. She was no match for him without her armor. Removing his helmet he kneeled and surrendered his sword.

"I can't express my remorse for a past that I can't change. I'm not that person anymore. I surrender my life to you. If I live past this moment, I do so by your will." She held his sword and thought about how easy it would be to right her person wrongs.

"Um..." Jonah had regained consciousness. He sat confused on the floor trying to figure out why Rhynn was surrendering to an unarmed woman. She flipped the sword from hilt to tip and handed it back to Rhynn. Hesitantly he took it from her grasp. Forgiveness is not popular among hunters races.

"You will feel good for now; but, there may be some residual sensation that will linger for a bit." She offered her help with Jonah as he tried to stand. Hesitantly but graciously he accepted.

"Hunters Blade" -From within The SerpentWhere stories live. Discover now