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The three watched on in horror as the Atoma ripped apart its former prison. A muffled scream filled the air. Like a wild animal it thrashed about till all the leads barbs and probes had been removed from his body. Standing slightly triumphantly the scarcely clothed man breathed heavy.  His chiseled body flexed and rippled as he used his muscles for more than just breathing. Slightly his head swayed from side to side, his bright white eyes rolled into his skull and he collapsed.

In a solar system...a lot closer than one might think...

A planet yet to be seen by human eyes happily made its 453 days around its massive sun. The radiation levels of all nearby planets made these home nearly impossible for any to visit. Saying the planet had No visitors maybe wasn't true. This planet had seen many humans. Any who visited were slaves. A small child ran through one of the desiccated forests.

The branches of the Hallow tree were like hard carbon. Naturally growing and layering its self as it grew to enormous heights. The base of the blackened trees were of a nearly fossil like substance. Against the forever red sky, its black fingers inked out any sunlight the massive red star could yield. In near silence the small child ran.

As it ran it drug its nails across the bark of the nearby Hallow Trees. As it passed another of the many trees; the child like creature suddenly stopped and looked at the bark. Scratched into the glass like surface was a Glyph. It had the meaning :Danger/Hidden. Removing its heavy robe hood, the narrow slits in the humanoid creature darted its yellow eyes from side to side.

"Hosh'tee!" A Hushed whisper called among the trees. With so little contrast, no human eye could spot the hidden owner of the voice. "Hosh'Tee you dumb Egg!" The voice hissed again. Hosh'tee responded by throwing off its robe to reveal its form.

The male humanoid would be insulted with it being described as "Like human" it would prefer "Lizard like' Or Reptile like." After all Narashti seldom see themselves as humans. He clutched a Chitin like sword and shield. He was small in stature. Maybe standing on his newly sprouted claws it would stand closer to 4.5 ft tall. This would be equivalent to what humans would call "standing on their tippy toes."

Hosh'Tee remained ready for anything. Graceful swinging his sword in anticipation of an attack. His chest heaved with muscles and scars. His metallic like helmet protected his scales on his face and head. A protective vest and thighs coverings layered his being. He showed no signs of fear. The ground around him began to glow. Realizing this he jumped and rolled to a side. The ground erupted into a raging ion plasma fire. The heat flashed forth and dissipated just as fast. He yelped in pain as his armour had began to burn. Stripping it off he became distracted by trying to save his primitive creation.

He stood in a modified compression suit that was impervious to the heat and fire. More of a fail safe if his chitin creation failed. He mourned his armour as it literally melted off of him and onto the ground. The nearby boulders were of a form of obsidian. They were the only such boulders nearby for miles to come. As the boy tried to salvage what was left of his armour he began to realize, someone was standing behind him.

Standing behind him in a robe of sorts, a female adult stood.  He robe split down the center allowing her powerful hands to draw what appeared to be an obsidian like sword. Its razor sharp tip scratched the back of the males shaved head. He sighed and dropped his armour and turned and faced the female. "You cheated." He grumbled.

"I did what an enemy would do. Do you expect therefor your enemy to take pity on you because you are a child. Or maybe for them to fight with honour?" He voice seemed to echo off of everything around them. But not from within her person.

She wore a battle helmet that was biomechanical in nature. Parts of it seemed razor sharp, like the tips of her crown like helm. Where as her jaw like was smooth and rounded. It split suddenly horizontally and a woman's face emerged. She too had bright yellow eyes. The inner circles of them however were swirling with a ruby red. The red in her eyes moved with her steady pulse. She smiled as her Canine teeth glistened. "Once you enter the second shedding Hosh'Tee, you will feel more comfortable." She returned her sword to its place with in her robe like covering.  "This stage is always..." freezing she looked behind her. A third person waited patiently.

She frowned slightly and finished her sentence; "Awkward."

He once seeing his presence was acknowledged "I have a message for An "Adara Negro"" she frowned.
"You are STILL are calling me that are you?" She motioned towards the messenger.

Grabbing the handwritten message, she read it. It contained two glyphs and a name.

"HUNT/ KILL   Jonah Matas" She unclasped what was previously thought to be her robe, and her wings spread out. "Hosh'Tee its time to go home to our mother....I'm going hunting." By her side a previously hidden Morder appeared looking to her for commands. Adara had received hers orders now she had to pass it on to her faithful pet.

"Alaric," she spoke softly to her personal pet like Mordor. "Our time has come to leave home and hunt the pink flesh." She made eye contact with her pet. Looking into its eyes the Mordor chittered. "You need to stay somewhere safe." She paused and held his face in her hands.

It's beak was sharp like a Ravens. Full of teeth and poison- yet she looked lovingly at it. It's elongated tail whipped happily. "You will see Zephyr," she frowned. "They want ME dead not you little "coo" (nirashti for loved one)"

She released the armoured sections that blended into her companions body. She looked up to the great red sky. "On day we will have more time for adventures..." she paused as her eyes met Alarics.

"I know Coo.... This will change everything." She stroked his head as Hosh'te walked up closer.

"Nirn-(sister) what are we going to do?" She smiled and shook her head.
"Even a human hunter has more skill in hunting; than you Nirm"(brother) she chuckled and reached for his shoulder. "Remember; we DID discuss this." Hosh'te said nothing but also knew she was right. "You brother will stay here and make the best of our name."

"Negro?"  Her eyes flared as she instantly corrected;
"THAT is NOT our name!"  Her eyes flared with rage. "We are fire born. We are hidden. We are proficient. We are Whatever the month we names us." She hushed herself, And ushered Hosh'te with her. "Come let us see mother."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2021 ⏰

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