The blackened truth

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Shuichi couldn't handle the pain anymore and sprinted past his uncle, making his way to the bathroom. He locked the door and quickly turned on the sink to let the somewhat cold water run on his skin. He grit his teeth from the large sting of pain as the water coated his blackened skin.

Tears were streaming down his face as he pulled his phone out to distract himself. He sent a text to his soulmate.

Shuichi: "Sorry again that I had to leave so suddenly"

He kept staring at the screen, desperately hoping, desperately pleading that Kokichi would respond. He didn't want to be left alone again.

Kokichi: nishi~ it's fine~ who was the man who came to pick u up?

Shuichi: A relative.

Kokichi: ur dad?~ Just wondering

he didn't look very much like u

Shuichi bit his lip before responding and quickly pressed send, before his common sense kicked in.

Shuichi: I should probably tell you, my parents died

Kokichi: oh
my bad I shouldn't of brought them up so much

Shuichi: it's fine, you didn't know

Kokichi: topic change?

Shuichi: Yeah? Do you have anything you want to talk about?

Kokichi: jeez u always sound waaaaaay too formal

Saihara chuckled and turned the sink water off, trying not to look at his arms.

Shuichi: Right.. I guess that's something to work on then?

Kokichi: naw
im just teasing u~

Shuichi: Okay. It's hard to tell when you're joking.

Ouma was sitting on his bed with a big smile on his face as he stared at his phone.

Kokichi: im bored
aaand since it's Saturday we should do something

Shuichi: I was going to stay at home, I should get some more studying done.

Kokichi: that's boooooorrrrriiinggggg !!! !! 11! 1!!!
come onnnn~
It's the weekendd

Shuichi: What did you have in mind?

Kokichi: wellll
It's really hot out

Shuichi: And?

The purple-haired male took awhile to respond, unable to think of much.

Kokichi: meh
there's not much for activities that dont separate high and low ranks

Shuichi: So, you don't have any ideas whatsoever?

Kokichi: nishishi~
the beach would be nice
but low ranks arent allowed

Shuichi: That's a shame. I'm sure we could find a way to get you in?

Kokichi: oooo~
you'd go against the rules to sneak me in?~

Shuichi: Some rules are okay to break.

Ouma's eyes sparkled as he grew more excited.

Kokichi: how would you get me in anyway?

Shuichi: I haven't thought about that.. maybe dress you 'like one of us'

Kokichi: Shuichi I dont have high rank clothes

Shuichi: You could borrow some of mine?

Kokichi: oooo~

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