That Wasn't The Lie

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"Sorry, I left my I.D. at home," Ouma responded to the officer.

"Then unless you have another way to prove your rank, I'll need to escort you out."

Saihara started to mentally panic, knowing that Kokichi was probably going to get caught. "T-This.. is ridiculous.."

"It's necessary, I'm afraid. We have to filter out all those 'lower ranks' if you know what I mean." His attention shifted over to Kokichi, "Can you find your identification?"

"I said I've left it at home already! Jeez!" Ouma smirked, faking his usual level of confidence.


Shuichi, for some unknown reason, decided to intervene. "H-He doesn't h-have it.. I have my I.D s-so, can't that count?"

"Sorry, but I need a type of identificati-"

Kokichi barged past Shuichi rudely and faced the security guard, "E-Excuse me! How stupid are you?" Ouma took Shuichi's I.D. and showed it to the officer again, "Shuichi Saihara is rank 2 in one of the best schools of the country!~ Do you really think someone as intelligent, successful, attractive, and damn right perfect as him would bother hanging around a low rank?"

The navy-haired boy's eyes widened as he shot a sharp glare towards him as if to say, 'What the hell are you doing?!'

Kokichi continued to ramble, "And as an added bonus, don't you see what I'm wearing?! Do these look like dirty, wrinkled rags to you?? Use your logic!"

The security guard gave both of them a hard stare, "I'll let this slide, however, if you cause even the least bit of trouble, you'll be kicked out," he warned before moving on to the next couple of people.

Ouma waited until he was out of view, opening his bottle of panta and taking a few sips of it. After he put the cap back on, he grabbed Shuichi's hand and led them both towards the beach, almost breaking into a run.

"Hey! Wait, wait!" Kokichi didn't slow down, if anything, he sprinted faster towards the sand. The smaller individual stopped in a non-crowded area and Saihara set down his bag.

He laid the towels down and kept Kokichi's drink in his backpack as he took out the sunscreen. Shuichi took his jacket off, keeping his shirt on, and quickly applied the sunscreen as Ouma slipped his T-shirt off, "Hurry! I wanna go out to the water!~"

"I.. I'll probably stay here.. I can't get my bandages wet go without me!" He responded, handing the other male the sunscreen.

Kokichi sulked, sticking out his bottom lip into a pout, "We can stay in the shallow part! Nishishi~ Don't make me have to beg you agaaaiiinn~" He chuckled and sprayed the can on himself.

"But.. I.. I can't. You go, seriously, it's fine." Saihara avoided eye contact, looking everywhere else but at the smaller male.

Ouma huffed, "Whatever, don't be surprised if I drown from boredom," he stated and turned his back to walk towards the ocean.

Shuichi watched him make his way slowly into the water, mostly staring at the red string stretching further away. The short individual was shouting, "Are there any sharks?! I don't want to get eaten!" A small chuckle escaped his mouth before he finally gave in and started to wade into the water.

Kokichi turned around to see the taller male slowly walking into the water, "Jeez, finally~ Good thing I'm great at pretending to be scared~"

"It's r-really c-cold!"

"Well duh, it's the ocean."

Shuichi stumbled forward, maintaining his balance as he walked closer and closer to Kokichi, who had a smirk plastered onto his face.

As the other was adjusting to the freezing water, Ouma gazed around at the beautiful area. For his entire life, he'd never been on any vacations and rarely celebrated holidays, especially when he was younger. This was truly something special to him.

"Hey, ShuShu?~"

Shuichi's face slightly reddened at this nickname, "S-Shu.. W-What?!"

Ouma chuckled at his reaction, but ignored his comment, "Thanks for taking me here~ I didn't think you actually would..."

"..I just thought th-that...we both needed it."

The purple-haired male sneakily reached his hand up to take the other's hat, changing the topic before it got too cheesy, "You should stop wearing this thing~"

Shuichi lent forwards to grab his hat back, but as a surprisingly big wave of water hit, he lost his balance, "A-ah!"

Ouma stretched his hand back to keep the hat away as the taller individual stumbled onto him. Kokichi fell back and sat in the water, gazing up at Shuichi who was on his knees and holding himself up using his hands. There was a noticeable blush on the blue-haired individual's face, "S-s-sorry!"

"Don't apologise, I've got a really nice view from where I am~"

Saihara's face reddened at the other's words, unable to form words for a few seconds. Once he slightly pulled himself together, he maintained eye contact with Ouma and muttered, "W-when you.... described me..i-in front of the officer...d-did you really mean everything you said..?"

"I.." Kokichi, for the first time, didn't know how to respond, "So what if I did?~"

"...." Shuichi could only feel his face starting to heat up, no longer paying attention to the cold water.

"What I said, they weren't all lies~" The smaller individual's face also started to turn a light shade of red.

"W-Which ones were you l-lying about..?"

"How about.. hmm, guess!~"

Shuichi bit his lip, "U-um..when you said I was attractive?" he guessed and started to pull away.

Kokichi made an 'incorrect buzzer noise' and wrapped his arms around the other's neck, pulling him downwards, "Nishishi Nope! That wasn't the lie~"

"B-B.. W-Wh.. H.." Shuichi stumbled over his words, taken completely by surprise.

Ouma's smirk slowly disappeared as he quietly stared into the blue-haired individual's eyes. He pulled him down even closer, their faces only inches apart.

Kokichi muttered, "I used to think that all high ranks were the same...'re not so bad.."

Saihara felt his body begin to move on its own as he closed his eyes and pressed his lips against Ouma's. 

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