Smile for the camera

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Kokichi's eyes widened at the unexpected contact, but he didn't pull away. Instead he let the kiss linger before he felt the taller male pull away.

"S-sorry, I-I didn't... a-ask. That was s-selfish of me t-to do.."

"N-No! It.." The smaller individual stuttered, which was something he rarely ever did. Shuichi stood back up on his feet with a large blush showing. He remained silent, staring down at the water, not knowing what to say at the moment.

Ouma stood up as well and gave Shuichi an awkward look, still not talking.

"D-do to g-get ice cream..?" Saihara finally asked in a low whisper, trying to get rid of the weird atmosphere.

"Oooo~ As long as you're paying!~" Kokichi grinned as if nothing happened a few seconds ago.

Shuichi smiled back at him, nodding, "I.. of c-course I'll p-pay.."


After the two males received their ice creams, they sat down on a nearby bench. Saihara couldn't help himself as he kept glancing at the shorter individual, unable to stop thinking about the kiss.

'What if he didn't like it..?' he asked himself, feeling extremely nervous. Shuichi scraped the bottom of his ice cream container while his thoughts flooded his mind. 'He was silent after...'

"ShuShu~ Do me a favor and bring this to the trash, pleasee~"

'Is it bad that...' The taller male nodded and brought the empty containers over to the bin.

'..I want to do it again?'

Once Shuichi returned over to Ouma, it was clear that he seemed to be distracted by something, "Do you want anything before we go?"

"..yeah!~ I want pictures from the photo booth!" Kokichi exclaimed with excitement as he grabbed Saihara's hand and began to run towards it. Shuichi held a strong grip on his hat as the other pulled him.

The photo booth looked like a stereotypical one that everyone sees in movies; A modern, but weirdly old looking machine with a light up black and white sign above it.

The smaller individual stopped just outside of it, his eyes sparkling with excitement. He turned to Shuichi and began to beg again.


"I.. I'm not so s-sure.." Shuichi kept his hat down, starting to get increasingly more nervous with every second that passed.

Ouma huffed, "I'll throw that hat back in the ocean if you don't!"

The taller male bit his lip before nodding. With the thoughts of what had happened still currently going through his mind, he didn't think that being this close to Kokichi would be a good idea.

"Come on then!" Ouma smiled largely, dragging Shuichi even closer to the machine.


"H-How does t-this work again?"

"What's this, like the fourth time I've explained it? I'm only going to say it one more time, okay?~ One more time!" Kokichi said, almost shouting at the taller male, "You put the money in, then press this button. AFTER THAT, it automatically takes a photo every 10 seconds. It's that simple. Got it?~"

Shuichi nodded, still slightly unsure about how it worked exactly, but went along with it anyway, "G-Got it."

Saihara followed the shorter male's instructions and started to put the money into the machine. Once he successfully set it up, the screen began to show a countdown. Kokichi did a neutral pose and Shuichi followed, feeling out of place.

The camera flash went off and the timer started to countdown again.

Kokichi thought for a moment before pulling both of his cheeks out and staring at the camera, looking extremely stupid. Saihara tried his best to do something similar, and ended up looking like a cross-eyed fish.

The third camera flash went off and the countdown started again.

Ouma held his middle finger up to the camera, gritting his teeth, looking honestly like he wanted to murder someone. The blue-haired male followed the other's idea by raising his fist up and staring at the camera with a death glare.

The fourth flash went off, beginning the fourth countdown.

Kokichi stuck his tongue out and winked at the camera. Shuichi looked at him and started to blush, the other male just looked so adorable. He caught himself staring at him for almost too long and quickly smiled as the numbers decreased to one.

Finally, the last countdown; The last picture.

Saihara turned his face over to look straight at the purple-haired individual, waiting to see what pose he would strike this time. Although before he could say or do anything, Ouma shifted closer to him. He grabbed onto Shuichi's shirt and pulled him down to eye level, pressing his soft lips against his.

The camera flashed once more and took a few moments to spit out the 2 copies of the photos.

Kokichi moved his face away to catch his breath, but was shortly pulled into a longer kiss right after by the taller male. Shuichi moved his hand along Ouma's arm to locate and weave both of their fingers together.

Eventually, Saihara broke the kiss, his face extremely red, almost as red as Kokichi's. They stared at each other for a few moments before Ouma broke the silence, remembering about the photos.

He stretched his arm out to grab the copies and stared at the pictures with a smile, "Nishishi~ That was a lot of fun~"

"Y-Y-Yeah.. I-It was.."

Kokichi handed Shuichi his copy of the photos and smirked, "Oh, by the way, your lips are wayyyy softer than I thought~"

He quickly flashed a wink and walked out of the booth, leaving Shuichi speechless behind him. 

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