It's For His Own Good

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There are reasons why everyone is how they're meant to be. No-one is born completely evil and messed up, things happen and it causes horrible consequences..

This is the story of how Shuichi's uncle started to become twisted.

Uncle's point of view

"He's probably playing with his stupid toys right now, pretending to be sick." I leaned my back against the school wall, digging my hands into my pockets as I spoke.

"What...? Come on, I'm sure he's not pretending. You should be nicer to your broth-"

"Eh, I believe it. That kid seems like the type to skip school." My friend replied, I could tell that his tone was absolutely laced with disgust and arrogance.

I deeply sighed and rubbed my forehead, "His grades only seem to get worse. At this rate, he'll be a low rank before we even get into high school." I clenched my fists with anger, "Mom and Dad don't even seem to care! All of the attention is on me to keep grades up! It's so unfair!"

My friend went deep into thought before widely smiling, "...what's that smirk for? You got an idea or somethin'?"

"Maybeee," he responded. Aneko spoke up in confusion, slightly tilting her head, "An idea?? For what?"

"It's none of your business. You'd be against my plan anyway, you alwaaays are." He scoffed, but that same smirk, that same twisted smile remained on his face.

"That's because the two of you are always getting into trouble! Ugh, whatever. Keep your dumb secrets, I'm not gonna act like your mother," she rolled her eyes and picked her bag up to leave the busy cafeteria.

"About time she, you're having a hard time with your brother?" He kept staring at her until she left, then returned to me, leaning closer, that same smile remaining.

I nodded to him and locked my gaze with his, "You know that swing in our backyard? He's obsessed with it. If it were gone, he'd be more focused on work." Glancing to the side, I placed a palm on my chin and went deep in thought, "I have no idea how to get rid of the damn thing. Since my parents won't do anything about it, I've tried to think of how to deal with it myself. It's for his sake."

Shiko stared at me with understanding, he was possibly the only person who supported me for everything and anything. "I get it, you can't survive in this world being a low rank; You're just trying to make sure he has a great future. I wish Aneko would understand instead of thinking that you're the evil bad guy."

I smiled and heard the distant voice of the teacher telling the students to return to class. "Thanks, Shiko. I trust that whatever your idea is, it will work, like always~ I'm so sick of waiting for something to happen, so let's meet tomorrow after school at my house."

Before the two of us parted from the cafeteria, I glanced over to him, "I have high hopes for your plan. Don't disappoint me, okay?"

It wasn't like I hated my brother, no, hate wasn't the correct word. I've just always seen him as a slacker. He has potential, I'll give him that, yet he chooses to throw it away for some free time in which he relaxes, and plays on that swing. Oh, how I want to destroy it, maybe then he will be able to get his priorities straight, those being his academic achievements of course.

Unfortunately, me and him look exceptionally similar, yet those are just down to petty genetics. I often get mistaken for him, so he needs to get his grades up. I will never be mistaken for a low rank, those abominations, they are nothing but poor excuses for human beings.


"Shiko, we're running out of time," I frowned towards my friend who kept pacing down the hallway, "They know that one of us did it, we can't hide forever."

"I know I know I know...b-but we'll get charged for attempted murder if we confess!"

" suggest that we should lie to them?" I raised an eyebrow. Shiko clenched his fists and snapped at me, "I-I don't know! Why don't YOU make a plan for once?!"

I rolled my eyes at him and crossed my arms, "Tch, it was your idea to light it on fire. You should confess and take responsibility." I shrugged my shoulders, "You wanted me to make a plan, so there it is. Satisfied?"

Shiko looked at me with a shocked expression and walked over to the couch that I was sitting on. He roughly grabbed the collar of my shirt and lifted me out off of the sofa, "What's your problem?! Why are you being so hostile with me??"

"Get your filthy gay hands off me!" I yelled and dug my nails into his arm until Shiko released his grip; There were a few small trickles of blood running down his skin.

" that what this is about..? Are you kidding me??" While the male shouted at me, I glanced a few times at the red liquid, "After the swing set on fire, and we ran away to your house..I asked you that question...'Why are you doing all of this for me?'"

As he listened to me, he walked to the kitchen to clean the blood on his arm, "So what..?" His voice was much quieter now, and I knew that I had him exactly where I wanted him.

"Well, you confessed your disgusting feelings for me, and now, there's a red string attached to our fingers," I could tell that Shiko was having a hard time accepting my rejection towards his feelings, but it was necessary to continue to remind him. "Gay freak. If you really do like me, you won't have a problem doing as I say and taking the blame for the fire."

"..." He refused to respond to me and continued to wipe the blood off.

"Is that a yes?"

"Get out of my house."

I rolled my eyes and tapped my foot on the wooden floor, waiting for a better answer. When I heard nothing else, I made my way over to the door and chuckled, "You'll regret that, Shiko."

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