The Taking

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Author's Note: So I know I said I wanted to focus on other stories, but I always think about my lovely and twisted cannibal family. I hope you guys all enjoy this new edition to the series. Let me know all of your thoughts. I love reading your comments!


I paced around the small motel room. I had turned off the lamp, and the lights from the television filled the room. The sound of a peppy lady selling some kind of kitchen device on an infomercial was playing in the background. I pulled my phone out of the back pocket of my jeans.

It was almost three in the morning.

Owen had been playing shows in Knoxville for the past few nights. He was usually home just after midnight. Our hotel was just outside of the city, because that was all we could afford, but he was not usually out this late.

There was a few nights he came back from to the hotel room late from his shows. I used to go to the bars and clubs with him every night when we first left Anchorage. His band, Hydraulic Skull, was playing gigs all around the States. The mixture of alcohol and loud music grew old fast, and I chose to stay back. Owen was upset at first, but then he soon found comfort in other girls. The past month he had been coming home with a few hickeys along the side of his neck. He tried to convince me that it was part of maintaining their reputation, but I did not buy it for one minute.

Last week we were in Charlotte, and one night he did not come home at all. I did not see him until the next afternoon. He claimed he was too drunk to drive back, but the rest of his crew came back. I overheard some of them talking about some red-headed girl Owen met. I fought with him until he left and went to some diner. He promised it would never happen again, and we hadn't spoken about it since.

A high pitch giggle came from outside. I stopped and furrowed my brows. Who else would be up this late?

I went out onto the walkway, and looked over the railing. Owen was leaning against his car. A blonde girl in a skimpy black dress was with him. He had his hands on her hips, and was kissing her neck. She was giggling and pushing him away. She was so drunk that she stumbled in her heels. Owen wrapped his arms around her to stop her from falling over.

I let out a deep breath and stormed back into the motel room.

He promised me that he was going to clean up his act. I was so stupid for believing him. I could have been in university, but I took off a year to be with him. He promised me we would spending every minute together that he wasn't doing a show. My parents were heartbroken when I turned down my scholarship for a boy I had met six months prior.

I grabbed the wooden chair that sat with the desk beside the closet. I barged through the door and threw it over the edge of the railing. There was a crash and a scream. I looked over to see the chair had broken into pieces. Owen pushed the girl away from him when he saw me leaning over the edge.

"What the hell is wrong with you, Leah?" he asked.

"What's wrong with me?" I yelled. "You're the one making out with a bimbo."

"You could have killed us!"

"Don't be a baby!"

The girl put her hand on Owen's chest, and he pushed her away. He walked toward the metal staircase. The girl reached out for him again, but he shook her off.

"What's going on?"

I looked over my shoulder to see Greg, one of Owen's bandmates, was standing in the doorway of his room. He was only wearing a pair of sweatpants, and his hair was a mess. He yawned and dug the heel of his palm into his eye.

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