|Love Letter|

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It's been two days, since the incident at the table and I finally made up my mind.

Over the weekend, I started to write a love letter.

I read my letter for the thousandth time.

Dear Jungkook,
I've known you for awhile now and I finally made up my mind.
I realized that I have feelings for you...the way you smile at me, makes my heart melt.
I just wanted to tell you how I feel.

Its okay if you don't like me back! :)
I'll understand.

Love, Y/n <3

I don't know if it's cringe or not.


I finally made it to school.

Hmmm. When should I give him the letter? Maybe at Lunch? No, too many people...
How about after school? No, he will be too tired...Oh, I know! I will give it in the Free Period! Then he will be in a good mood.

I was so deep in my thoughts, that I didn't realize that the teacher was calling on me.


It was finally time for the Free Period.

I was staring down at the letter I had in my hands.

I walked down the hallway, ready to turn into the campus.

But before I went thru the door, I saw Jiwoo and Jungkook standing there.

I quickly hid behind a tree and spied at them.

What were they doing here?

Jiwoo had a letter behind her back. She revealed it and gave it to Jungkook.

I guess it's a love letter?

Jungkook stared at the Envelope.

But then he did something I should have expected.


Hugged her...

I guess he excepted her feelings and likes her too.

I have seen enough.

I quickly ran back into the hallway. I crumpled up the letter and threw it on the floor.

Before anyone can see me sobbing, I quickly ran into the girls bathroom.

Jungkooks POV:

It was my Free Period. Jiwoo asked me to meet her at the campus.

And here I am. I searched for her but couldn't find her.

After a while, I felt someone tapping my shoulder lightly.

I turned around to a nervous Jiwoo. I smiled at her.

"Hi jiwoo. How are you?" I asked her.

"I'm good, thank you." She responded.

"You're welcome."

"J-Jungkook, can I a-ask you something?"

I nodded.

"Y-you know what? I will just give it to you."

I was confused. Jiwoo handed me a letter.

I read the letter and smiled.

I looked at her.

I folded the paper and Hugged her.As I broke the hug I opened my mouth.

"Jiwoo, I am sorry..." I say.

She looked at me confused.

"I already have someone who captured my heart....I only see you as a friend."

"O-oh, im sorry." Jiwoo looked down.

I grabbed her chin to make her look at me.

"No, you don't need to apologize."

She smiled.

"May I know who this lucky girl is?" She asked.

I nodded.

"Well it's..."

CLIFFHANGER! But I guess y'all know who he loves.

My updates are kinda crappy at the moment. Please bare with me.

Author-nim JIMOUT!

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