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Jungkook POV.

It was a new week. I passed Y/n apartment on my way to school. I stood there for about five minutes before I continued my way to this building, i call school.

Was I hoping for Y/n to come out of her apartment? Maybe. But I really don't want to do anything with her or related to her. Even though I like her.

I walked for a while before jiwoo came.
"Hello Jungkookie~"

"Hi jiwoo." I smiled at her.

"You know, next time you could come and fetch me. Anyways, I didn't see Y/n on Friday, did you see her?"

Ugh. Did she have to bring up Y/n?

"Yeah I saw he in the morning. We talked together, but I never saw her in class." I scratched my neck.

She let out a simple 'hm' and shrugged.

"Maybe she went home. I saw her going back to the entrance. Why did she even come to school if she wasn't feeling right?" She asked.

"I don't know. I'll see you afterwards okay?" I didn't listen to her answer and walked away.


Tray in hand, I walk into the cafeteria and search for a familiar face. Where is she? Hmm Y/n is usually already here.

"Were you searching for me?"

Jiwoos voice startled me a bit. I turn around and smile at her. "Yes. Where were you?" Actually, I wasn't looking for her.

"And some stuff to do. Come on let's find a table." She walked ahead of me. She sat at a nice table and placed her tray down. I followed her movements and sat at the opposite end of the table.

Y/n POV.

"Y/n do you wanna go to the second half of the school?" My mom asked, while sitting on the edge of my bed.

No mom. I am still not feeling so good. Maybe tomorrow.

"Okay dear." She got of my bed and left my room. She closed the door and silence fell.

I checked my phone for any new messages. Did Jungkook write to me? No, no he didn't...

I placed my phone on my night stand and pulled the covers over my head.

3rd person POV.

It's was the final bell of the day. The students rushed out, like a swarm of bees. Jungkook and Jiwoo were one of the last students to leave the school.

"Today was a really great day." She exclaimed.

Jungkook didn't really pay attention to jiwoo, anymore. She was mumbling something about a book she recently read.

They both passed by Y/n's house. Jungkook stared at it.

"Jiwoo is it okay if you walk home alone? I need to check something."

"Oh it's not a big deal. I can wait for you." She sweetly smiled.

Dang it.

"No, no it's fine. You can go home Okay?" Jungkook pushed her slightly.

"Okay, if you say so." She shrugged and stared walking away.

Jungkook checked if she's far enough. He wanted to visit Y/n, because he still wanted to be friends with her. Jungkook stood in front of her door, hands trembling. He finally managed to find the doorbell and rang it.

Y/n POV.

The doorbell rang. I made my way from the couch to the front door. I looked like an absolute mess, but I didn't care at the moment.

I opened the door.


"Hey Y/n." Jungkook waved his hand and smiled cutely at me.

Author-nim JIMOUT!

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