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Name: Daenerys Targaryen

Alias: Dany Uley

Nickname: Dany

Title: Lady of Dragonstone. The Mother of Dragons. Princess of Weteros

DOB: April 30th 1987

Age: 18

Species: Blood of Dragons (Mother of Dragons)

Origin: Dragonstone, Westeros (Mysterious Independent Island off of England ruled by the Targaryens)

Father: Aerys II Targaryen †

Mother: Rhaella Targaryen †

Brother: Rhaegar Targaryen †

Brother: Viserys Targaryen †

Grandmother: Bethanne Targaryan (Nee Uley) †

Grandfather: Aegon Targaryen †

Great Grandfather: Levi Uley †

Great Uncle: Douglas Uley

Great Uncle: Charles Uley

1st Cousin Once Removes: Joshua Uley

2nd Cousin: Sam Uley

Pet/Child: Drogon

Portrayed by: Emilia Clarke

Portrayed by: Emilia Clarke

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Daenerys is polite and well-spoken, but filled with quiet determination. She is still somewhat naive of the world due to being young, and raised away from the world.

She is intelligent and quick to understand now that she is free to pursue her own path.

Daenerys has never known a true home.

Daenerys has a great empathy with the downtrodden of the world. She is deeply sympathetic to those she perceives as oppressed, while at the same time, her pent-up frustration from years of being mentally and physically dominated by her petty would-be-king of a brother made Daenerys capable of being utterly ruthless against those she perceives as oppressing others. This has produced a large amount of black-white thinking in Daenerys's mind, and she can be idealistic to a fault.


Dragon Manipulation: Daenerys can control dragons. She can also understand or communicate with them, hence creating and strengthening friendships.

Pyrokinesis: Daenerys can create, shape and manipulate fire, the rapid oxidation of a material in the exothermic chemical process of combustion, releasing heat, light, and various reaction products, flame being the visible portion of the fire. Depending on the substances alight, and any impurities outside, the color of the flame and the fire's intensity will be different.

Fire Immunity - Daenerys is immune to both fire and damage by heat.


Sword forged with the blood of a dragon.

Pairing: Edward Cullen

Pairing: Edward Cullen

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