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The next few days at school are the same for Daenerys. Mundane. A long way from the private tutoring she got back in Westeros. She misses her tutors, they understood her, the way her mind worked, knew how best to teach her. This school is just slow and boring. And now they've been paired up in history. Daenerys is paired with Edward. And she'll admit that there is something about him, more then the fact Sam told her to stay away from him, more then the way Jessica had gossiped about him; no, it's something more that is drawing her to him. The way he smells, the way she can feel his presence, the way she feels around him, just little things, simple things. Daenerys takes the seat across from Edward as he organises the project items handed out to them. Daenerys watches him a moment, he's being meticulous, everything in it's place, she smirks a little, and also doesn't miss the glare sent her way by Bella, who has been paired with Mike across the room. Edward glances to Daenerys and then stops arranging.

"Sorry" he offers, she smiles and shakes her head.

"I'm glad" she counters. "I'm partnered with someone who looks like he'll actually do some work" he smiles back at her and nods. Daenerys pulls her own notebook and pen from her bag as Bella continues to glare at her. Daenerys looks to her and then away. "Your girlfriend doesn't like me, does she?" Daenerys asks Edward who glances across at Bella before looking back to Daenerys in front of him.

"We've had a tough year" he offers.

"And...that makes her hate me?" Daenerys cocks her head as she asks this, Edward smiles a little and shakes his head.

"No" he assures her. "It's...me" he adds. "She doesn't like you around me"

"Oh" Daenerys whispers. "She thinks because I'm new...that I'll swoop in?" she asks, he nods. "And swooping is...bad?" she teases a little, he chuckles and nods.

"Yes" he answers.

"Well I'm not in the business of breaking apart couples" she assures him. "And I have way too much going on to even comprehend a relationship" Edward looks across at Bella giving her a look to stop being so....well her. It shouldn't bother him, he and Dany are nothing more then classmates, but the way Bella is glaring at Dany sets him on edge, he feels the need to protect and defend Dany. He turns back to the white haired girl as she reads their instructions, she brushes a strand of her hair back and he finds himself lost in her mind. A swirl of reds, oranges and black with an intense heat that almost hurts. He's never met another mind like it. And he's fascinated. But he still can't understand the language she thinks in. It's strong, powerful but beautiful. Kind of like the sense he gets from her. She's stronger then she looks. He pulls back from her mind and concentrates on the girl sat in front of him.

"Why Forks?" he asks her leaning back in his chair. "I mean....you're British and you come all the way out here to go to school" Daenerys looks down and touches her bracelet.

"My family died" she admits. "Mother, father, brothers....dead" Edward drops his smile. "And Sam...he's the only living family I have left" she looks to Edward. "That's why Forks"

"I'm so sorry" he starts leaning closer to her. "I had no idea. I should never have asked" she shrugs.

"It's fine, It's....It's been a few months now.."

"But still" he reaches across the table and takes her hand, careful of the strength behind it. She doesn't even flinch at the harsh coldness of his skin. Makes no outwards signs that she's even noticed. She's not as warm as Bella. In fact she feels closer to his skin temperature then a human should. It's comfortable. Bella stands up abruptly drawing the classes attention, Edward and Daenerys look across at her, notes Bella's glare before she is storming out of the class, Daenerys pulls her hand back from Edward's.

"You should go make sure she's okay" Daenerys tells him. "That it was for platonic comfort" he nods a little and stands following Bella out of the room.


Edward stands in Carlisle's study looking out over the trees beyond, he and Bella had argued after what happened in history, to Edward he was just comforting someone who's lost her entire family, to Bella, he was flirting, Daenerys was flirting, to Bella they were practically dry humping in front of the class. But it got Edward thinking. About everything, his entire relationship with Bella. If she can't trust him. Even talking to someone else. What sort of relationship is that? Carlisle stands behind him waiting for his 'son' to start. Edward was rather flustered after returning from school. Edward curls his fingers into his palm before releasing them. He turns to Carlisle.

"Do you remember when we first spoke about Bella?" Edward asks Carlisle who nods.

"Of course I do"

"You told me she was my blood singer" Edward offers. "That's why I was attracted to her, drawn to her" Carlisle nods.

"You argued that it was more then that" Carlisle argues, Edward looks away. "Are you doubting that now?" Carlisle asks stepping closer to him. "Edward"

"There is this girl at school" Edward whispers. "There's something about her...." he shakes his head a little. "I love Bella" Edward argues. "I just...I'm not sure if I am in love with her, I'm not sure I ever was" he rubs his head as Carlisle watches him sadly. Everything they've been through, it was for 'love', for Edward's love for Bella. If this is true, if Edward's feelings for Bella aren't what he thought, then he put his family in danger for nothing.

"What are you going to do?" Carlisle asks.

"I need to know if this passes" Edward answers. "I'll spend some time with Dany" he looks to Carlisle. "Maybe she's a terrible person, maybe....she's boring...maybe it's just because she's new" he looks to the notebook on Carlisle's desk. "Did you have any luck with that language?" he asks changing the subject.

"Nothing yet" Carlisle answers. "But I'll keep looking" Edward nods a little and looks back out the window at the trees beyond. 

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