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Edward walks with Bella, the two of them wandering the forest edge, his hands clasped behind his back rather than holding hers. Any physical contact with her is more of a burn then a comfort now. Bella takes a breath as if readying herself for what she is about to say. She turns to Edward.

"I saw you," Bella tells Edward. "You and.....Dany" Edward nods a little. He was going to come clean anyway. He had this whole...speech in his head prepared for this. All night he sat and he decided what he wants. He wants Dany. He wants to be with her for as long as he can be before she leaves. There is something more about Dany, something that warms his inside. Something that gives him hope. "I forgive you" Bella offers. "If you never talk to her again" She rushes out, Edward watching her a moment and then smile.

"I think we should break up" he offers instead. Bella scoffs.

"Some British bitch turns up and..."

"Enough" Edward stops her with a growl. "This is part of it....your behavior and manners are.." he pauses and shakes his head. "I don't know who you are anymore" Bella purses her lips. Edward looks down. "If I ever knew you really...." he adds with a shrug. "We just...we don't work anymore. I'm sorry" he offers. "But this is what is best for us"

"No, it's what's best for you" she counters and then walks away. "You will regret this" she mumbles, Edward closes his eyes and shakes his head. A weight suddenly lifted off of his chest. He takes a breath and turns away.


"Are you even listening to me?" Sam asks her, Dany sighs and turns her head to him, the two of them sat together looking out the window as they talk.

"Honestly?" she asks. "No, I wasn't" she admits.

"What's going on with you?" he asks her.

"Nothing" she answers as she stands. "Just...this place" she offers. "I miss home" he softens a little and nods.

"Still not heard from Jorah?" he asks her, she shakes her head.

"He won't call" she answers. "It's not him...." she looks back out the window, Drogon nuzzling into her cheek. "I'm not sure how I feel about going back anymore" she admits. Sam sits next to her.

"I thought you wanted to go home?" he asks softly. "You were looking forward to being queen" she shrugs.

"Not the same without my family" she admits. "It's not the same, I was supposed to have watched my brothers do it first, I was supposed to learn by watching them.....what if I am terrible at it?"

"Dany" he whispers. "I know you haven't been here very well, and I haven't known this" he motions to her. Implying the grown-up version of her. "You very long, but I do think you're going to be a great queen" she looks to him. "You have a gentle heart" he offers. "Something perhaps those in power currently lack" he smiles. "You care, Dany, that's enough"

"It might not matter if I want it" she states and sighs, he frowns at her. "I doubt whoever stole it from my father is going to hand it back willingly, Sam" she points out. "Who knows how long it's going to take, what it is going to take"

"Then you'll see it through" he adds wrapping an arm around her, she is a little stiff, not used to embraces. "Hug me back" he whispers, she lifts her arms and wraps them around him. "There we go" he teases slightly. She relaxes, years of tension just running through her. When was the last time someone hugged her? Her brothers never had. Her parents couldn't....image was everything. Sam and Edward are the only people who've shown her true affection.


Dany opens the front door of Sam's house, the boys laughing and joking behind her with Drogon. Dany snorts listening to them but it falls as she takes in the figure stood there waiting for her. Reality crashing down around her.

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