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A/n - I think I can squeeze a few more chapters into this before the epi. 

Dany holds onto Edward's hand as she leads him down a spiral staircase leading lower into the castle, he watches her though, the candlelight illuminates her skin, makes her look beautiful, like ones of those paintings. She pushes open the door at the bottom and leads him in. it's some form of library or study inside, small but warm and comfortable. Jorah is stood waiting for them in the center of the room, he lights up seeing Dany, she smiles back pulling Edward with her.

"Jorah" she whispers in greeting, he bows his head.

"Khaleesi" he greets back and then looks over Edward. "This is him?" Jorah rounds Edward as Dany watches from the wall, she hums and nods. "Fascinating" she smiles amused as Edward squirms under his eyes. Jorah is the closest thing to family Dany has left in Westeros, his opinions matter to her. He looks to Dany who nods to him. Jorah turns to a bookshelf and plucks a carved, ornate box from it before returning to Edward, they share a look. "Don't waste it now" Jorah warns as he hands over the box, then steps back before leaving the room, Edward looks to Dany who nods encouragingly at him, he looks down and opens the box lid, inside is a small vial of powder.

"What is this?" he asks her, she smiles at him.

"A cure" she answers, his eyes snap to hers.

"What?" he counters staring at her.

"It's a cure for....vampirism" she offers him stepping closer. His hand actually shakes a little as he absorbs this news. He lifts his eyes to hers.

"Where did you even find this?" he asks her.

"I live on an island that has dragons" she explains. "And magic, and direwolves, and long lost buried secrets...." she moves to a bookshelf and reaches up to pull a rather large one free, Edward sets the box down and moves to her, he takes the book from her hands and moves to the table in the middle of the room where he sets it down, she touches his shoulder as she moves to his side. "My family once faced an army...." she looks to him before opening the book. "That they feared would be too much" he looks down at the illustration and then to Dany.

"Vampires" he offers, she nods.

"They wanted a weapon" she touches the pages. "Something to push up their odds, you know, above the use of fire breathing dragons" he chuckles a little.

"Is this it?" Edward asks looking down at the small vial. "Is this all there is?" She shakes her head and takes his free hand.

"Come with me" she whispers pulling him along with her.


There are shelves and shelves filled with bottles of the stuff, Edward's eyes widen as he moves forward to look at them.

"I didn't even know this part of the castle was here" she admits. "It wasn't till I moved back, after part of it was destroyed that I really got to know my home" she touches the door frame and then leans against it. "I thought you might like to...share" he frowns a little. "You told me that Rosalie never wanted to be a vampire" he shakes his head in agreement.

"No, she didn't" he looks to her. "Does it work?" he asks her moving back towards her. "Are there side effects?"

"So far, no" they walk along the corridor. "We've used it on a few...." she looks to him. "Having three dragons made me a bit of a target" she points out. "Fire is a very....effective weapon"

"Yes, it is" he agrees. She looks down the corridor and sighs a little.

"We captured a few....used the cure on them..." she motions ahead of them. She touches Edward's arm. "I would never offer this if I didn't think the chances of your survival were sure" she looks up at him softly, he meets her eyes. "I would never risk your life" he strokes her cheek. "For anything" she adds. "Nothing is worth risking your life" That instant she proves she is more his mate then Bella ever was, not that was in any doubt. He cups her cheeks in his hands as he smiles down at her. Dany would never do anything to put him or the people he cares about in danger, Bella didn't care either way. He leans down and kisses her, pulling her closer to him. "Would you like to see them?" she asks pulling back and nodding down the corridor, he shakes his head and twirls a strand of hair around his finger.

"No" he whispers. "I want to go back to bed" she raises an eyebrow. "Just you and me" he leans closer and kisses her. "Just for a little longer", she nods in agreement knowing that in the morning she's going to be busy with her duties again.


Edward sits looking out of Dany's bedroom window, watching the people below come and go as the sun rises. This whole place is beautiful, but there is no way he can enjoy it the way he is. He wants to live a nice and mortal life with the woman he loves. He glances to where she sleeps. To fall asleep next to her. To wake up next to her. To never have to worry about hurting her ever again. To have children. To live and die together. He stands and moves towards her, eyes never leaving her face as he crawls into her bed and wraps her up in his arms, she hums and shifts against him. He wants a human life with this woman.

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