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It's the way she walks. Edward thinks. Daenerys. Like a ghostly stride. But more. Regal. Poised. She comes from a family of means. Something he was so used to seeing as a human. The way her spine is rigid, her head held high. She walks around the library with Angela who is talking to her about after school clubs, activities, ever helpful Angela. It's part of why Edward likes Angela, she's never negative towards anyone.

"Are you listening?" Bella asks at his side.

"Of course" he answers, slowly drawing his eyes away from Daenerys and turning to his girlfriend. Bella scoffs knowing where Edward's eyes were, where everyone's eyes were.

"I can't see why everyone is so...obsessed with her" she complains. "She's pretty boring, and that accent, it's grating and she's way too polite, who's that polite?" Edward raises an eyebrow, he doesn't need Jasper's gifts to know that Bella is feeling jealous, Bella is no longer the 'new' girl. And people have moved on from talking about her. Bella may claim to hate being the centre of attention, but take that attention away from her and she seems to grow sour.

"I like her" Alice states from Bella's other side, Bella's features flutter with that jealousy again and she sulks in her seat, Edward takes her hand and kisses the back of it, trying to appease her slightly. Edward keeps his eyes off of Daenerys but listens to her mind instead, it's so....chaotic and hot. Just trying to read her mind feels warm. That language, again, there is nothing English in her mind, like she's incapable of thinking in it. He looks to his note book, pretending to do homework and starts to write what he hears, phonetically, he'll ask Carlisle to look at it, that man has studied more languages then Edward, perhaps he'll find it familiar. Bella and Alice talk next to him as Angela leads Daenerys over to where they sit between two shelves, Erik and Mike perking up a little from where they sit on beanbags on the floor.

"Hey, Dany, I saved you a spot" Erik tells her motioning to the beanbag next to him. Daenerys smiles politely and sits in the bean bag, this is a new experience to her. How is this supposed to be comfortable? She keeps that smile on, Angela smiles taking her seat next to Jessica who immediately start talking, Erik and Mike bombard Daenerys questions about music, movies, tv....anything and she answers them all calmly, politely, always polite.


Daenerys walks across the parking lot towards where she can see Sam parked, it wasn't too bad, she survived, even if she is exhausted and she misses Drogon, the worst part of living her, going to school here, she can't take Drogon with her.

"Dany" Edward states catching up with her, she frowns and turns to him, aware that Sam is watching from his truck across the parking lot. "You forgot this" Edward holds out her note book. She smiles and takes it from him.

"I spaced" She admits. "Just today.."

"Overwhelming" he offers, she nods.

"Yes" she agrees, he smiles a little as she pulls her notebook to her chest as Sam hammers on his horn trying to her away from Edward. "I should go before he breaks that horn" she comments with a small smile, he nods in agreement. She turns and heads towards Sam's truck, Edward watching her go before turning and heading towards his family. Jasper raises an eyebrow.

"What are you doing?" Jasper asks him. "I saw you steal that notebook" he comments, Edward shrugs and climbs into his car, Alice and Jasper share a look.


Daenerys lets Drogon climb up her arm as she walks into the cabin, Emily smiles in greeting, she'd spent the day with the tiny dragon and to be honest she never thought that that would be something she would ever do, and he is rather charming for a dragon.

"How was your first day?" Emily asks setting some muffins down on the table.

"It was fine" Daenerys answers scratching Drogon's head. "I felt a little...lost without Drogon though"

"You're very close, it's understandable" Sam comments walking in behind her, Daenerys looks to him. "Are we going to talk about it?" he asks.

"You are upset because..." she pauses trying to remember his name. "Edwin?" she asks.

"Edward" Sam corrects.

"Right" she breaths. "You are mad because he approached me and started talking to me?" she asks him. Sam looks down a little. "I left my notebook behind and he was returning it" she reminds him.

"Just stay away from him and his family" he tells her, she raises an eyebrow.

"Are you ordering me?" she asks him, Sam looks to her.

"No" he answers. "I wouldn't dream of it" he assures her. "It's a healthy suggestion" she purses her lips a little studying his expression. "You should hide Drogon, the others will be here soon and we should ease them into the dragon thing" Sam offers, she nods and looks to Drogon who seems to pout before flying to the top of the stairs and then disappearing. Daenerys moves to sit at the table, Emily leans closer.

"I would get a muffin before the boys eat them all" she teases a little, Daenerys chuckles and takes one. Sam takes a breath and turns as the other wolves push and play and taunt one another walking in, Paul smirks and moves to sit next to Daenerys.

"Hey" he greets grabbing a muffin.

"Hello" she greets back glancing to him, he smiles at her, trying to flirt with her, Sam is quick to smack him around the back of his head, Daenerys smirks a little.

"Leave her alone" Sam growls at Paul. "I warned you about this"

"I'm being nice" Paul argues.

"Yeah, we all know what your brand of nice is" Embry teases sitting on Daenerys' other side.

"Dude" Paul reaches around the princess to smack Embry who cries out a little. Daenerys laughs. Sam smiles hearing it, she's been smily and polite but this is a real laugh.


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