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Edward tries to spend more time with Dany. He tries really hard. But Bella is trying just as hard to stop him. Every time he thinks he's safe to approach Dany Bella is right there. Three weeks. A whole three weeks of him being blocked. Even in lessons, Bella is there, getting between them. How is he supposed to figure Dany out if he can't get close to her? How is he supposed to get to know her if Bella is always in the way? Edward glances to Bella who talks with Alice. His heart's not in it any more. But the trouble he brought on his family; he can't make it worthless. He can't make all the pain and trouble be for nothing. Everything he put his family through. Maybe if he gets Dany out of his system. Maybe he just needs to rekindle his love for Bella. Take some time just them. To re-bond after everything that has happened. But then he sees Dany sat with Angela, the two girls smiling together. And Edward is lost again. His resolve to get to know the strange new girl back. Dany looks across at him and smiles, he smiles back at her. Yes. He needs to get to know her. More then he ever did with Bella.


Dany and Edward work together in silence, aware of Bella's eyes on them both. Watching. It's stifling. Suffocating. Edward notices that Dany looks across at Bella who's glare intensifies. Edward leans closer to Dany.

"I'm sorry" Edward offers, Dany looks to him. "If she is making you uncomfortable" Dany shakes her head.

"She can stare all she wants" she comments. "My brother once glared at me for 3 weeks and I didn't even twitch" he smiles a little.

"What did you do?" he asks her. She glances to him.

"Hmm?" she asks back before shrugging. "I ate his chocolate" she admits, Edward chuckles a little.

"You are a very cruel person" he teases, she smirks and rolls her eyes a little.

"Viserys was a very sensitive individual" she offers. "Got upset over every little thing; he once to a knife and pulled all the stuffing out of Rhaegar's stuffed toys because Rhaegar, accidentally, broke his favourite mug"

"Wow" Edward comments, she nods and smiles looking down.

"Yeah, Viserys was terrible, and Rhaegar liked to run around as soon as the sun came up making as much noise as he could"

"But you wouldn't have changed them" he offers, she shakes her head.

"No, I wouldn't have; they annoyed me and bothered me and tormented me" she smiles sadly really missing her brothers. "But they were my brothers and I miss them" she admits. Edward ignores the fact that Bella is on her way across the room to them as Dany packs her books into her bag. Dany smiles politely as Bella approaches. "Hello, Bella" Dany greets friendly, Bella glances to her and wrinkles her nose slightly.

"Dany" she greets back and turns to Edward, placing herself between the two of them. Edward gives Bella a look.

"Sorry, Dany" Edward tells the platinum haired girl, she just smiles back and then stands.

"It's alright....." Dany assures them pulling on her jacket. "I'll see you both later" she comments and then walks away. Edward turns to Bella.

"Was that really necessary?" He asks Bella.

"What have I done now?" Bella argues, Edward shakes his head.

"Dany is polite every time she talks to you and you can barely give her the time of day" Edward explains. "Would it kill you to say something nice to her or....at least hello?"

"Why does everyone like her?" Bella counters. "Why do you?" Edward stands and grabs his books from the table.

"You would think you'd be the most understanding" Edward offers. "Being a new student, in a new school....." Bella is left standing there as Edward walks away.


Edward glances to Dany as she climbs into Sam's truck, she glances back across at him, he waves a little but she turns to her cousin who glares across at Edward, Edward looks away from the wolf who then drives away.

"Is it worth it?" Jasper asks at his side. "Loosing Bella?" Edward looks to him.

"I don't know yet" he admits. "There is something about Dany that.....that I'm drawn to; I can't explain it" Jasper raises an eyebrow. "I don't know what I want any more....but I don't want what I put you all through to come to nothing" he admits.

"We're your family, Edward" Jasper assures him. "We just want you to be happy" Edward gives him a small smile and then heads to his car.


Dany is grateful for Sam and his family and friends but some days it can be too much. Too many of them. That it just gets too much. So she takes Drogon for a walk. Through the trees letting nature calm her. There was no where like this back home. Not near Dragonstone anyway. But she misses her home. Her people. Her family. She really thought Jorah would have come for her by now. That she would be back home. She sighs and glances up, seeing Drogon sweeping between the canopy above her. Dany loves watching Drogon flying, watching him glide is peaceful. Reminds her of home. Reminds her of watching him and her brother's dragons flying together, playing together. It makes her heart ache. She twists hearing something behind her and is surprised to see Edward standing ahead of her. She stops where she is and cocks her head. He waves at her and she starts to walk towards him again, slower this time. Nervous. Drogon could be caught out.

"Dany" Edward greets, notes her nervous nature as she shifts on her feet, her eyes flickering around. She tries to smile to put herself at ease but it just makes her all the more nervous.

"Edward" she greets back. "What are you doing out here?" she asks clasping her hands behind her back.

"I live not far from here....taking a walk" he answers trying to work out why she's so...on edge. "You?"

"Same" she counters, he raises an eyebrow and she sighs as Drogon's cry reaches them from above. Edward's eyes instantly turn towards the dragon who flies down between the trees towards his mistress.

"A dragon" Edward whispers as Drogon lands on Dany's shoulder, she reaches up for him, scratching under his chin.

"Edward" Dany starts. "This is Drogon" she introduces with a shy smile.


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