14. The Action Plan

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Amit was surprised and sceptic about it but decided to go with it. What did they have to lose? All his team members had taken work from home so he sent each of them an email and everyone agreed to come. Mansi had locked herself up in the study and Amit was asked to not bother her. Mansi had specifically asked Amit not to think or do anything related to work at least until dinner and she wanted him to rest and relax for the time being. Amit took an afternoon siesta and felt refreshed after waking up. He went and took a nice, long and relaxing shower and changed into a fresh set of clothes. He checked the time as he got out of the bedroom and realized that the guests were due in half an hour. 

Mansi had been going through the documents and had laid out an action plan. She decided to check up on Amit only to find him fast asleep. She gave him a small peck on his forehead and quickly got to work. Guests were coming over and dinner had to be made. She decided to keep it simple and light because if her plan had to work then they might have to pull an all-nighter and heavy food will only cause a hindrance. Once she was done, she cleaned up a little and sprayed her favourite room-freshener in the living room. The study room was a mess too so she cleaned it up, set up workstations for everyone, neatly drew the action plan on the small white-board and once she was satisfied with her work, she finally went to have a quick shower.

Amit went right into the kitchen and was surprised to find that dinner was ready. He went to the living room only to find it completely set and the smell of Mansi's favourite fragrance was lingering in the air. Amit had gotten used to this and had started loving this smell too. Smiling, he made his way towards the study and found a sticky-note stuck on the door addressed to him. It said,

Mister! Do Not Enter the Room! 

Amit chuckled on reading the warning and his heart bubbled up with a strange kind of feeling. He walked away and went into the balcony to wait patiently, He was eager to see what Mansi had planned.

The guests came and they had a good dinner. Mansi observed that everyone looked as distraught as Amit and her determination to make the project happen only grew stronger. After dinner, Mansi led everyone to the study and asked them to take whichever place they wanted to sit at. Once everyone was settled, she started, " I know you all have been working day and night on the project and due to unavoidable circumstances, everyone is stuck in a serious situation so I thought I might help. Before anything, I would like to say that I DO NOT CLAIM TO HAVE ANY SUPERIOR KNOWLEDGE THAN ANYONE PRESENT HERE but everyone in this room has saturated themselves trying to find a way out of this situation and a new perspective might be helpful." 

Amit was looking at his wife with awe and admiration. 

"So, I have some experience working in data analytics and although I do not understand the project completely, I understand the numbers and so I have created this action plan. Guys, buckle up because you have a long night ahead of you but trust me it will be worth it."

Mansi went on to explain everyone about the action plan and people seemed to agree with the plan. They immediately got to work with Mansi helping around. The all-nighter was fruitful and a lot of work was done that day. Everyone left in the early hours of the morning only to return by lunch. People seemed well-rested and a little less lifeless than before.  

When everyone left today, the reports were done. Neither Amit nor his team members could believe that they were able to complete the task within the stipulated period and everyone left with a smile on their face. Amit slept like a baby that day and was surprised to find Mansi still working when he got up mid-afternoon. She looked sleep deprived and tired but was typing profusely in the laptop.

"Mansi, didn't you sleep?" Amit asked and startled Mansi. She suddenly jerked but maintained her posture soon enough. 

"Yeah, I was almost done. All the reports are properly compiled and now all you got to do is get them printed out for your clients." Mansi smiled tiredly at Amit. "I will go catch some sleep now." She left the room leaving Amit awe-struck.

As Amit went through the reports he was amazed to find everything so properly aligned and arranged. In fact, he was sure that their reports were nowhere near to the reports that they have created now. The articulation of the reports was beyond impressive and now all Amit had to do was make an equally amazing presentation to wow the clients. His hopes were up again and he felt that they had a really good shot at winning this deal with the amount of work that they had put in for this.



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