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After breakfast, Sam and Drake got dressed and headed to the MC compound. Samantha followed Drake in her Jeep. He had decided to take his truck today, instead of his bike.

When they drove up to the compound, Drake blew his horn and waited. Nothing happened. Samantha knew that something wasn't right. Just as Drake was getting out of his truck to investigate, a shot rang out. Then several shots. From many different guns. 

He heard women screaming. Kids were crying. Here could hear the bikers cussing. Somehow, someone had compromised the security of the compound and infiltrated it. 

When the shooting started, Drake had pulled his .357 sig out and started to look around to see if there were targets. What he didn't see was anyone, except Sam. Then, he heard his girl scream. 

Drake turned his head and watched in horror as the red bloom spread across her shirt and ran down her left arm. Running to her, he caught her before she fell out of her vehicle. She had chosen to take the doors off of her Jeep and leave them at his house. He pulled out his phone and dialed Vulcan, when he noticed that it was eerily silent. No crying, no screaming and no gunshots. 

"Yeah, I'm a little busy man." Was the short reply. 

"I don't care. Grab Iron and get out here! Sam's been shot!" Drake didn't wait to see if his VP answered him. He tossed is phone down and gently lowered Samantha to the ground next to her Jeep.

"I don't feel so good, My Dragon. I want to go to sleep so bad........." Drake watched in horror as the woman he loved closed her eyes. Shaking her, he screamed at her...."Sam!! Sam!! Don't go to sleep, baby! Don't close your eyes!!!! SAM!!" Hands pulled him away as he fought to hold onto his love. He couldn't lose her. He had just found her. He hadn't ever told her that he loved her. "Let me go, dammit!!"

"Vulcan, knock his ass out, if he doesn't stop. I have to get Samantha inside while we wait on the ambulance." Vulcan did exactly that with a hook to his Prez's jaw. They didn't need to fight him while they worked to stop the blood flow from Sam's shoulder.

"How is she?" Vulcan asked Iron, their resident medic.

"She's lost a lot of blood, man. I'm not willing to say that she'll make it. Better tell Bill so he can call Lucy. She'll want to know. You know how close those two are."

Vulcan nodded, and pulled his phone out to make the call. 

Drake woke slowly, his jaw sore and his head hurting. Damn! What hit him? Just then he remembered and jerked upright. A hand was laid on his chest.

"Easy, man. She's in surgery. We won't know anything for at least another hour. How do you feel?" Vulcan felt sorry for his Prez. If it were his woman, Francesca, he'd be a basket case, too. They all would be. 

"Shit just got really real, didn't it?" Drake asked his friend. 

"Yeah, it did." Vulcan waited. He knew that his friend had questions for him. But, he also knew that his mind was almost completely taken up with his woman, who was fighting for her life.

"What happened to cause that shit storm that Sam and I drove up on this morning?"

"We had cornered the guy. His girl had come to get me early this morning. Said he had been acting weird the last few days. She had found some messages on his phone. It seems that the senator claimed to have his sister, and that if he didn't divulge the location of his wife and daughter then, he was going to have his sister killed. Needless to say, any of us in that situation would probably lose it. But, he should have know that he could trust us. Anyway, after she showed me the messages, I went to go talk to the brother and find out what was going on. When I got to him, he had a pistol in his mouth about to eat a bullet. When he saw me, I guess he figured that we knew everything, because I was holding his phone and his girl was right behind me. He lost it and started shooting at anything that moved. He shoot and killed his girl. The women were at the club today because it's Saturday and we were going to have our weekly cookout. I don't think anyone else was hurt, though." Vulcan hung his head. He didn't like losing men. Losing a woman was worse. That was three in less than as many days. The senator's wife and daughter and then the brother's girlfriend. 

"What about the senator? Do we have any proof of his involvement? I'm ready to take that bastard down! I want to see him pulled as low as we can get him." Drake replied in a harsh whisper, not wanting anyone to be privvy to their conversation.

Vulcan nodded. "Yeah. We have the phone and we had Cabi trace the source of the messages. Turns out it's from the senator's personal cell phone. We have records of calls he placed to Speed, as well as all of the messages. What do you want to do with their bodies. Do we turn them over to the law ans let them rot in a cheap grave somewhere."

"Bury them together and with club colors. Speed and Angel didn't have any children, did they?" Drake held his breath, dreading the answer he knew in his gut was coming.

"Yeah, they do. A baby. She's just about three months old. Cutest little thing you ever seen. Don't know what we're gonna do about her. My house is full. My boys are trying to kill my girls and then there's the pets. I'll ask around to see if anyone can take her until we find out a more permanent solution." Drake nodded. He had an idea to take the baby for his own. His and his girl. But, first they had to see if she was going to survive. Drake felt his gut tighten at the thought of losing Samantha.

"Here comes the doctor, Drake." Vulcan's words snapped Drake out of his thoughts, and he watched the doctor approach, trying to read his body language.

When the doctor stopped in front of them, Drake stood. The doctor looked up at him and asked, "Are you Samantha's next of kin?"

"She's my fiance. She doesn't have any living relatives. All she has are really good friends." Drake saw Vulcan raise one eyebrow from the corner of his eye.

"This is a difficult situation. I am not sure of the protocol, but all I see are you two.......gentlemen, waiting for news. And I also noticed that you are covered in blood. I'm going to assume it belongs to the patient and not you, correct?"

Drake gritted his teeth to keep from screaming at the man. "My fiance? How is she? Will she live? I know she lost a lot of blood."

"Well, she will recover. She may never completely regain use of her arm and shoulder, but, yes, she will live. She's in recovery now and will be taken to a surgical ICU as soon as she is assessed. This is where you will find her." The doctor handed him a piece of paper with a phone number, a floor number and the letters SURGICAL ICU embossed on it. Give us about twenty minutes, then go there and pick up the phone and ask to see her. You obviously aren't leaving to go shower and change clothes, so I'll have the nurse get you some scrubs. That way, you're not walking around here covered in blood. Gentlemen." At that the doctor nodded and turned ans walked away. Drake watched him stop and speak to a nurse and point to him. After she nodded, he continued on his way. 

A few minutes later, the same nurse approached him with a set of blue scrubs in her arms. "These are for you. Dr. Harrington asked me to bring them to you. I can also show where a shower is and let you get really cleaned up, if you would like." At Drake's nod, she gave a small smile and motioned for him to follow her. Before that, he turned to Vulcan. 

"I know, I'll be back with a bag later today and some grub. Lucy will want to come by and see her, too." Turning, Vulcan walked out of the hospital. It shocked Drake to realize that it was still daylight. He glanced at the waiting room clock and saw that it was only late afternoon.

"Sir?" Drake spun around, only to find the nurse waiting on him.

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