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"Are you sure this is all of the information that you have on him, Cabi?"

"Yes ma'am, that's all I could find. I dug deep. I would say he has Drake here at this location." Samantha leaned down to see where Cabi was pointing at the screen.

"Dammit! That's just an hour past the border. How many places does this guy have that he can run to?" She frowned as she thought about the implications.

"The FBI and our local law enforcement has uncovered five properties. I have found another four. But, I'm telling you, Sam, he's gotta be at that one." Cabi replied.

"Ok, Cabi, we're listening. Tell us what you think." Everyone in the room went quiet as they looked at the clubs resident IT expert.

"Simple, he would want something private, but with electricity and running water. He would also need to have access to internet. Oh, and we found out how he knew the layout, as least partially, of the clubhouse. Security guy had a lapel pin on. It was a micro camera. Graves had it set up to send feed to his personal site where he could watch. That's how he knew about you, Samantha. Thankfully, he doesn't know about Isabella yet. Anyway, back to what I was saying; Graves is a cagey bastard and he's going to want to be where he feels in control. That's why I picked this location not far from the border. It's in Canada, so he feels protected. It has all the amenities that a rich guy like Graves would want. The other properties were already searched and seized by the feds, or are undeveloped, or have no electricity or running water, let alone internet. He has no where else to go. " Cabi sat back in his chair and looked out at the five person team that he was debriefing. Samantha of course, with Vulcan, Bill and Tom. New to the group was a federal agent that the FBI had sent over. Cabi remembered how he had tried to take over when he arrived. 

"My name is Special Agent Howell and I will be taking over this investigation. I will need any and all information that you have on Jonathon Graves, as well as any surveillance, texts messages, photos, and written documents." Vulcan and Tom had been about to protest when Samantha spoke up. 

"I don't think so, Mr. FBI Special agent. I don't care who you are or how special you think you are or how powerful you might be. You have known for a week just what Graves was up to, and you did nothing. You only decided to come 'help us' because your secret weapon might be found out. Well guess what, asshole. That doesn't qualify you for anything in my book, and if you try to take anything, we will shut down every bit of information that we have and send it to a black site that you will never in a thousand years, be able to access. Now, on the other hand, if you would like to volunteer your services to help capture Graves and return the president of the club, that's fine. Your help would be most welcome. But don't think that because you have a federal badge that you can come in here and just do what you please. My name is Samantha and Drake is my man, and I am heading up this investigation and rescue mission and YOU will answer to me, not the other way around. Do I make myself clear.......sir?" Samantha knew she had just called the man's bluff and that she very possibly could have made an enemy out of a potential ally. But she also knew that the feds would let Drake die just to get to Graves.

Lots of coughing and snickering could be heard throughout the club's main gathering room where they were at. Sam didn't have to turn and look at the men and women to know she had their support. She faced down the FBI agent and raised one eyebrow and spoke. "Do we have an understanding, sir? Or do I have you escorted off of this property and call your superior? I won't hesitate, and these men would gladly do as I asked." 

When the agent didn't answer right away, several of the men started towards him. You could see the panic in his eyes as he backed up against the wall and raised his hands in a helpless manner. "Alright, alright!  Fine. I'll......help. I'll put all of the FBI resources at your club's disposal."

Sam made a lowering motion with her hands and the men backed down. You could hear the agent release his breath in an audible whoosh.

That had been two hours ago and he would bet that the fed's ego was still smarting at being out maneuvered by a civilian, not to mention the refusal to be afraid of him, his badge or his title. 

"Alright, now that we know where, we need a plan of attack. I don't trust Graves not to torture Drake for his own sadistic pleasure before he kills him. However, that can work in our favor. It may buy us some time to get to him and rescue Drake. Ideas?" Sam looked around the room as she watched the wheels turn. Vulcan was thinking so hard that she could have sworn she heard gears turning. 

"Yes." Vulcan looked Samantha in the eye as he spoke. "How comfortable are you with firearms, Sam?" 

"Quite comfortable. Mack was a tactical shooting competitor and he taught me quite a bit. Why?" She asked, frowning.

"Because you're going with us and we are going to use you as bait. Drake will kill us, but it's the only way that we can be guaranteed a chance at getting to him." 

All of a sudden voices were clamoring in the room. The other three men were trying their best to voice their objections when Vulcan let out a sharp, shrill whistle. 

Samantha turned and looked at all of the men gathered. "I am his woman and if I am the only chance that he has of getting out alive, then I'm going. The first one of you that tries to stop me will be locked up in one of the secure rooms downstairs. Do I make myself understood. Do I?" She never raised her voice. She didn't have to. Her power as the Prez's girl gave her the strongest voice in the club during Drake's absence. The only person who could override it was Axe, as the Sargent At Arms, it was his job to see to club security and the ranking members and their families as well. 

"Let's go over you idea and get moving. We've wasted enough time as it is." Vulcan nodded, proud of the woman before him. He thought again how she was the perfect match for his friend.

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