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Sam was hanging up the phone when she turned to him with a grimace on her face. Drake had to fight not to laugh, because he knew she wasn't happy with the news she had received. 

"What is it, sweetheart? What did the Physical Therapist say?" He asked.

"She will be coming here three days a week. I was hoping that when I left the hospital, I would be done with that little demon." Drake couldn't hold his laughter anymore.

"Stop laughing you ass! She's terrible. She's smaller than me, and twice as ornery." 

Drake continued to laugh until he was able to control himself. "Sam baby, the only reason you don't like her is because you two are just alike.  You are both bossy and like to be in control. And right now, you don't feel that way, because someone else is telling you what to do and how to do it."

Sam stopped what she was about to say when she realized that he was right. She huffed. How did he know her so well. After about a week this man had not only pushed his way into her heart, but into her head as well. 

"It's scary how well you know me, you know that, right?" Sam walked over to her Dragon and wrapped her one good arm around his waist and lay her head on his chest. After a minute, she raised her head and looked up at Drake. "I love you, and I haven't said that to another man since my husband died." Laying her head back on him, she sighed, content in his arms.

After a few minutes, they pulled apart. As they walked into their bedroom, Sam began to tell Drake what she wanted to wear. Because she still couldn't lift her arm without pain, she chose a button up shirt with a tank top underneath. The tank top had been a challenge, but together they had managed to get it on her without too much discomfort. Next he helped her pull up and fasten her jeans. Being on his knees in front of her made him want things that she wasn't physically ready for and he tried not to pay attention to that area of his body, which seemed to have a mind of its own.

Samantha noticed that her guy was struggling. "Drake....When can we......"

Sam's face was red. He loved that about her. She still blushed. "I'll ask Dr. Harrington later today." He replied in a gruff voice. After helping her get her shoes on, they walked out to her Jeep.

"Baby, we have to take your Jeep. My truck is too hard for you to get in and out of, and the bike is out of the question. If you don't care, we can drive your Jeep and tomorrow, I'll go buy a car that you can get in and out and drive easier than all of these." 

Sam was in awe of this gentle giant who loved her. Just to make her life easier, he was willing to go and buy a car. She felt tears well up and spill over her eyes. 

"You are so sweet and so good to me. What did I ever do to deserve you?" She whispered.

"You put up with a lot of a**holes, and kissed a lot of frogs." He strapped her in and walked around and climbed in and started the vehicle and they were on their way.

Drake was quiet all the way to the club compound. He was thinking over his girl's words. She loved him. That kept playing through his head. Then he remembered Lucy's words. "Trust me when I say there are things she would never do without being in love." Sam had taken a very large step when she had given herself to him. His girl was very old fashioned. She wasn't a prude, she just didn't believe in careless and reckless sex. 

As Drake and Sam pulled through the gates of the compound when they arrived, Club Brothers and their women were standing out front waiting on them, with Lucy and Bill in the front. When Drake walked around the Jeep to help Sam get out, clapping started.

"What are they clapping for, Drake?" Sam asked, somewhat embarrassed and confused.

Drake looked down at the small, curvy and beautiful woman at his side and wrapped an arm around her to pull her into his side, and leaned down to kiss her on top of her head. "They're clapping because, one I have found my forever woman. Two, because you're out of the hospital. three, you're here with me at the compound. Many of them already know you and really care about you, so you being my woman will not be a problem."

Slowly, the group filtered into the clubhouse behind Drake and Samantha. Lucy was attached firmly to her side with Bill, with Vulcan and Francesca on Drake's side. Leading her in to a large room where church took place.

After seating Sam at the front of the room at a table, Drake turned to look at the club gathered in the room and address them. "By now, all of you have heard what happened. And then the cause of the shooting." Drake waited while the murmurs and talk quieted down. 

"We all know what caused this. We all know that my woman was almost killed and that an infant is without her parents and a family is without a son and a daughter. We also know that our security was breached because of the last family we helped. What you don't know is that yesterday at the hospital, a man was sent to get at my girl. We don't know who he is yet, but we know who sent him. The Senator that has had his fingers in all of this, is responsible and we have to find a way to get him out in the open. When he found out that we had proof of his involvement, he went off grid. We think that he is in Canada at his home there, hiding out. We are looking for solid ideas on how to lure him back so the the appropriate law enforcement agencies can grab him and take him to trial."

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