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Drake took Isabella from Samantha so she could go pee. Isabella looked up at him with her big eyes so serious, as if measure him. She must have thought me worthy, because she smiled at him and cooed. Drake felt his heart melt. 

"Yo man. Your creds are fading. That little baby has you wrapped around her little finger." Drake looked over to where Vulcan stood and smirked at him.

"Yeah, like you have any room to talk. I saw you with all of your kids when they were small. You were whipped. Especially when it came to the girls. All they had to do was whine and you were there."

Vulcan smirked back and nodded his head. "Very true. I won't deny it. However, you're gonna be just as bad. And I am so looking forward to it."

Just then Bill walked up with Lucy and Samantha. "Well Prez, I think we need to let the women and kids get out of here so we can look around."

They all agreed and sent the women away, back upstairs. Only Sam hung back to talk to Drake.

"Drake, right before I shut the saferoom door. I saw the Senator enter that room at the end of the hall and I heard a man screaming, then nothing. I figured he killed his own head of security.I'll go take care of Isabella while you men take care of everything. Oh!! Do you want me to call your friend in the police department?"

"Woman, you are amazing. Most other women would be crying and in hysterics, even though they had to take care of a baby. But not you. You walk right up to me and give me an assessment of the situation." Drake leaned down and kissed first Samantha, then Isabella. "Yes, call my contact. His number is on my desk under police contacts."

He watched her walk to the stairs where Lucy and Francesca waited on her. Drake noticed that the three women were almost always in each others company. He was glad that his girl had good friends. After watching Samantha disappear up the stairwell, he turned to Vulcan and Bill.

"Well? What did you find?"

"Samantha was right. It looks like the Senator shot the guy in his other knee, then in his shoulder, then, of all places, his groin before putting a bullet in his head. I have no idea how the Senator knew where to go, unless Speed was very thorough with his information. And then there's this. It was pinned to security guy's chest with a knife." Vulcan handed Drake a piece of paper. On it was a note.


There is nowhere you can hide from me. I will always be one step ahead of you. 

How does it feel to know that I can come and go as I please and you can't do anything about it?

Your pretty woman and little girl. You would hate to lose them, wouldn't you. That's what happens when you meddle in my business.

U. S. Senator,

Jonathon Graves

Drake crumpled the note in his hand and roared like his namesake.  This was the final straw. He would find the Senator and bring him to justice. Then again, maybe he will kill him while he tries to get away.

Vulcan and Bill looked at their leader and then at each other and nodded. "We're in. We ARE this club. The other guys are going to want to have a voice, as well." Bill stated.

Drake had never been more proud of his brothers. Nothing would bet by them. They would give their lives to defend this club and it's members. 

Just as he was about to speak, he heard Samantha coming down the stairs, and she was talking to someone. Drake knew who it was and signal the guys to meet his girl at the foot of the stairs to keep her from seeing anything.

"The girls and I are fixing dinner." Turning to the detective, she smiled. "We'll expect you to join us, detective." Without waiting on an answer, she turned and went back up the stairs to help finish dinner.

"Tom, this is not going to be pretty. You know what we have been dealing with. I've kept you informed in case it came to this. Follow me." As Drake turned to lead Tom to the room where the dead man was at. But, not before he handed him the note that was attached to the dead man's chest.

"Jesus! This bastard is certifiable. We knew that this was possible, but hoped that it wouldn't happened. Now he knows that you have a woman of your own."

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