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Sam sat back and watched as the men of the club roared their agreement, while the women clapped. Leaning down, Drake kissed her on the cheek as Francesca and Lucy appeared at her side. They helped her stand and led her to the kitchen. It was Saturday and they always had a family style dinner. The men would use the massive grills out back and the women would make the fixings in the kitchen.

Two hours later, then men come out of church. Many looked positively grim. Some looked like they had seen a ghost and some of them just had a blank look on their face. It was the bland, blank look that frightened her the most. Having seen enough, she went in search of Drake.

When she found him, he was using the grills with the help of Bill and Vulcan. Seeing her heading towards them, he handed the tongs in his hand to one of the guys and walked over to her. Gently laying his large hands on her shoulders, he looked down at her.

'What's wrong, baby? You look worried, upset, something.'

'I saw some of the men's faces as they came out of church. Some of them looked like they had seen a ghost. Other's are wearing such bland looks that it's obvious the they are hiding something. Is it that bad, Drake? Is what's going on with the Senator really so bad?' Sam whispered.

'I'm afraid so, my love. The plan is dangerous and the men that volunteered are all military veterans and some of them have some very disturbing memories and, while they are glad to do what they can, they are worried about the effect this will have on them and their psyche. How it will affect their relationships with their wives and family members." 

Sam opened her mouth to speak and Drake immediately held up his hand. "They all volunteered, Sam. You would dishonor the respect that they have for both of us if you try to stop them and what they plan to do." Drake cupped her face and leaned down and kissed her soundly before turning to go back to the grills. 

Sam found herself surrounded by most of the women from the club. One of them was holding a beautiful  little girl. She couldn't have been more than three months old. Her hair was  a rich red color and her skin was a peaches and cream. Her eyes sparkled as she laughed up at Sam and her little ears were pierced with little gold studs. 

Sam was enraptured with the small little girl.  She and Mack had not been able to get pregnant for years. Then suddenly, just when she did manage to get pregnant, she lost her own child as she lost her husband. Reaching out to stroke one finger down the little girl's face, the baby surprised Sam. She grabbed her finger and cooed.

'Someone help me hold her.' Sam said to no one in particular.

Lucy gently wrapped her arms around her friend and used her arms to support her friend's as Francesca laid the baby in her arms. 'Oh, how precious. You are so beautiful. I would love to have a little girl just like you. I would take you home with me if I could.' Because her head was bent, she didn't see the look that passed between several of the women.. This was exactly what they were hoping for.

Drake stood off in the distance with Bill and Vulcan, watching the by-play. He knew his girl would fall in love with the baby. Speed and his girl had no living relatives to take her and so the club girls had taken over caring for her until Samantha was able to take her and raise her. What she didn't know was that they already had a wedding planned. It would go on just as soon as the Senator and his men were taken care off. Drake felt an uneasy shiver work up his back. It felt like an omen of doom. It left feeling like something was undone. It wasn't a feeling that he liked. Like they were missing something.

Just then a shrill alarm went off, at the same time an explosion occurred at the back fence line. People were running and screaming. The men were pulling weapons and rounding up the women and surrounding the women and children.

Just as things were clearing and Drake could see, the Senator's head of security came through the fence. In his hands were a grenade launcher, which he pointed at Drake and fired.

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