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As soon as he got out of the company building, Tin headed to the park searching for his secretary. It stopped raining but the road was quite slippery as it rained for more than 2hours.

He looked for the bench he was sitting earlier, he wasn't there. He approached a small ice cream stall which was right beside the bench.

"Excuse me, have you seen a guy wearing white button up, he's short and he looks like a baby. He was sitting right here a while ago" Tin asked describing his secretary's features.

"Oh that guy!! He ate half of my today's ice cream supply. I earned so much today, because of that kid. He was talking to himself for like an hour" The Vendor stated, making Tin sigh.

"Perhaps do you know, where he went?"

"Yeah, he headed towards the bus stop, I guess."

"Oh okay, thanks!" Tin mumbled.. It was a 5minute walk from their company.  Tin hurriedly headed towards the main road, he stopped in his tracks when he finally saw Can sitting at the bus stop. He was angrily biting into a burger. Tin chuckled at that.

He walked towards him and just stared at him, he didn't know what to say. Can's shirt was completely soaked with water and his eyes looked tired and red. It hurt Tin a bit, cause he was the reason for this all. Can still didn't seem to notice his boss's presence, so Tin patted his head gaining his attention.

Can frowned his eyebrows in shock when he noticed his Boss towering over his petty figure. He was taken aback when Tin removed his jacket and shrugged it over Can's shoulder.

Tin scolded "Did you jump into a swimming pool or something. Why are your clothes all wet?"

Can replied, totally ignoring the latter's question "What are you doing here? Didn't you say to never show my face again?"

"Get in the car, we'll talk there and let me drop you at your house first, you'll catch a cold."

"First answer my question!"

"You first get in the car!"

Can sighed "Fine!" Can found this all way too weird. Moments ago he was literally grabbing his collar and shouting at him and now he's acting all good. Is that guy a nut head?
This guy was so confusing and unpredictable!

Can got in the car and they started off. Being the talkative brat  he was, Can was the first one to break the silence.

"What's going on?"

Tin cleared his throat "About earlier, I completely lost it and I just wanted to apologize. So um.." He spoke in a speed of light that was quite hard to reach the ears. "I'm sorry!"

Can's eyes popped out of their sockets, "Did my boss just say sorry ?? Mr.Tin the owner of Thailand's best gaming company apologized to an ordinary, petty worker like meDid you hit yourself or something?"

"That's enough of exaggeration! Its just that what you did got us out of a huge danger. You did something as stupid as a kid but it turned out well" Tin completed.

"What do you mean, it turned put well?"

"Well, there was raid and the company got arrested for illegal stuff!"

"Damn, is it? Oh god look how lucky I am to you. This is unbelibubble.  And there you were always calling me useless"

Tin scoffed "your so full of yourself huh!" 

They pulled over at Can's house.

"Yeah whatever. But does that mean, I'm not fired?" Can asked sheepishly clutching onto his (Tin's) jacket from the cold.

"I literally wasted my precious time, drove you back here and you still ask me the question?"/

" That clearly doesn't answer my question!"

"Kay fine you're not fired. This time it was a coincidence, but I'd not spare any of your carless mistakes okay?"

"Okay I promise!" Can exclaimed and got out of the car only to come across a locked door of their house. It started to rain again.

"What happened?" Tin asked getting out of the car as well.

"The door is locked!" Can exclaimed.

"Don't you have a spare key or something" Tin spoke as he looked up at the dark and clouded sky. Can shook his head. It soon started pouring and Tin pulled his secretary into the car again, preventing him from getting wet all over gain.

Can quickly called his mum to only know that they won't be getting back until midnight. Traitorous family
Hr thought before attempting to open the car door.

Tin caught his wrist and pulled him back making Can wince in pain. He quickly removed his hands and looked up "Where do you think your going?" Tin asked.

"Mom, sissy and my bro won't be back until midnight. I'm gonna wait for them outside-"

"Are you stupid? You thought I'd let you stay outside in rain all night? You'd be sick." He continued  "You can stay over at my place for sometime, I'll drop you off when your mom's, back.!"

"NO oeee, its totally fine. You don't have to be considerate all of the sudden"/ Can spoke as he opened the door. Tin sighed and grabbed him by his wrist to make him sit back in the seat. Can winced again as quick rush of pain pressed past his skin.

"You're not going anywhere. Just let me take you home okay?" Tin asked, a bit serious this time. Can pouted, he didn't know what to say. Tin kept staring at him with a subtle smile playing on to his lips.

Can trailed "umm....Fine!"

With that Tin gave him a victorious smile making Can shiver in his seat. Was it because of the wind or...?
Tin started off to his own house, which was an extravagant apartment. He lived all alone. He was used it now.

The rest of the journey was silent yet awkward. There was somehow a huge lot of awkwardness between them. Tin would look at him sneakily, sometimes he'd even stare for more than a minute. Can, though he noticed it, couldn't say anything or couldn't stop the tips of his ears getting red for no reason. He could even feel his cheeks getting warm when he noticed water dripping from Tin's  wet hair down to his cheek bones and them down to his neck, but damn the buttoned collar prevented him to see further.


What is wrong with you Cannn?? He's your boss!! He called you useless. You hate him!!    Can fought an inner struggle and it took him all his might to keep his eyes away from that annoying face. He snuggled into his boss's coat  which he was wearing instead. His hands were numb from the cold, hr put his hands in the pocket and that's when he realized the door keys were right there in his pocket.

Tin had to drive him back, he kinda felt he was one of the most stupidest person on the earth. He was surprised by all the attention he received from his boss today.  Tin dropped him off at his house and smiled at him when he said good night  which was actually very rare to witness from his boss.

  To his relief, he wouldn't have to face all the awkwardness but also a part of him was disappointed. Can thought to himself,
What's wrong with you can, He's just a jerk. Don't be stupid.

𝕋𝕚𝕟 𝕚𝕤 ℂ𝕒𝕟𝕟𝕖𝕕' (𝕋𝕚𝕟𝕔𝕒𝕟) ✔Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat