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"Oh not so fast, melon" Tin whispered. A shiver ran down Can's spine making the hair on his skin stand up. Tin had an unreadable expression, scratch that, Tin had an expression which screamed he wanted to do something but Can didn't want to read his expression he rather avoided the eye contact.

Tin's eyes trailed from Can's eyes to his chocolate covered lips which screamed 'come kiss me'

Can didn't know what to do, his heart was thumping against his chest and Tin's predator eyes weren't helping his situation either. That's when he started to blurt out shit which absolutely made no sense,

"Listen Tin I know you are dying to smash that cake on me but you shouldn't waste food you know, its such a shame if you're just gonna waste the cake on me-"

Tin dropped the cake in his hand to the ground and looked at Can with an amused smile, cause what he spoke made zero sense. Can paused for a second before continuing his rant.

" ...and besides I'm allergic to cream on my skin and I'm not in a mood to call the ambulance and worry my mother at this late in the night and press charges on you for-"

Can didn't get to finish his sentence, instead he felt like his heart just dropped at what Tin did next. Tin's hand trailed up to Can's chest as he grabbed the fabric of his shirts and pulled him till their upper bodies were pressed together. Without much ado Tin did what he wanted to do from a long time.

He leaned in till their lips were inches apart and pressed his lips onto Can's, pulling him into a rough yet gentle kiss. Can's lips felt incredibly soft against his own, and his stomach fluttered at that touch. He never experienced it before, he kissed many girls but this was way different from how he felt, this felt right.

Can was in a frozen frenzy, they were millions of things running in his mind but he wasn't able to react in any way. He was shocked. Beyond shocked. He did not kiss back, nor did he stop him. Okay wait- why is he feeling good about this whole thing?

Can what are you doing? Push him away shoo sho.

There was no use, his brain couldn't even carry out the simple instruction of pushing him away, Tin's grab on his shirt loosened as he pulled apart and he felt all the warmth leave him.
Tin felt a pinch of disappointment as Can didn't kiss back, he wanted to kiss him more but he looked like he'd faint in any second so he had to pull out.

Can composed himself for a few seconds and he was blushing furiously. He managed to stutter "W-what the fuck was that?"

"What?" Tin asked back innocently, like he did not just kiss his secretary. Can narrowed his eyes in a deadly glare.

The corner of Tin's lips curved into a slight smirk as he said,
"You wanted me to taste the brownie and cake, so I did."

Can's stomach did somersaults as he blushed madly like an anime girl. That bastard!
Can looked down, he was good at swearing, and very good at punching, his signature defense move but he wasn't doing any of them, he just looked down at the floor. Was he shy? Can didn't do shy. He was never shy. He was rather shameless, but what was happening now.

Can looked up only to come across a mischievous smile playing on Tin's face.
"You were right, brownie did taste good, in fact I want to try it again" Tin said clearly implying on kissing him again.

And once again Can felt his cheeks warming up and he was so damn sure he looked like a beetroot by now.
"Oh fuck no! I'm going to sleep" Can shouted and quickly wiggled out of there and ran into his room shutting the door lock. He could hear Tin's faint laugh. He placed his hand on his heart and no joke it was almost willing to jump out of there.

He jumped onto the bed trying to calm all of his senses. Soon he fell asleep, letting all of these new memories soak in.


It was past midnight when he woke up again. As soon as he was awake, the only thing which came to his mind was the feeling of Tin's lips on his. It was amazing, no lie there. But, why would Tin do that? Does he like him? The thought brought his heartbeat rate to speed up. Maybe, he was doing it for fun, to tease him. What else could've meant by it anyway? We're talking about Tin here, the mean rich arrogant jerk! That guy was delusional, whatever happened had happened, it was outcome of some evil sorcery nothing else.

Can almost jumped out of the bed when he heard few male voices from outside. He started to panic and he quickly latched onto a pillow as a shield and walked out of his room slowly. When he reached the living room he sighed in relief. The voices were from TV, it was still on and Tin was asleep on the couch with a remote loosely held in his hand, that too in a sitting position.

Should I wake him up? Can thought for a second but decided against it. It was quite cold outside, how was he even sleeping out here. Can went inside Tin's room and grabbed a thick blanket for him.

Oh no no, I'm not doing it cause I'm worried. Its just if he'd fall sick, I have to do extra work and that's.... that's it. Yeah. Totally. Nothing to do with the kiss at all nor because the sudden affection he's showing.

He carefully removed the remote from his hand and tucked him in with the blanket. Oh god if only he could look as attractive asleep as Tin looked right now. How is it even possible to look attractive and annoying at the same time?
He sat down beside Tin and started to watch what was playing on the TV. It seemed interesting, it was something called "The Killing".

He found himself binge watching 3 episodes straight on Tin's huge TV screen. He watched till his eyes shut on its own and he was completely unaware of the fact that Tin was sleeping right beside him and they were alone on the cozy couch.

The night turned into the morning and neither of them heard the sound of opening door and what they did hear was shriek of a female which happened to be Marcella.

"  I knew you two were up to some real  horny shit. Oh Lord! DON'T tell me you guys did it  on the couch!"

A/N: I know this is short and no where near satisfying but I hope you guys understand. College started and I swear to holy mother of cantaloupes that place should be named as HELL and TORTUREIt's like I'm paying for being tortured like fuck it, how am I even going survive this whole year. Ignore my useless rant, but just wanted to say that updates are going to be slow for a while, hope you bear with me.

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