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'Happy Birthday Son, my lovely creation. I know this day always reminded you of your dad but I'm positive we're all over him. Forget about him and be happy my dear. I never told this to you in person but I'm very proud of you. Sadly, I have work today, Ley has a mid term exam and Rin is in his craft camp so I didn't bother ruining your sleep but we all will go out for dinner and celebrate. Cheer up son, you turned 22!!!'

Can smiled sleepily at the birthday card and a small gift wrapped box. His mom was indeed the best. He hadn't been celebrating his birthday since their family broke apart. But now it was time to move on. He got a job, he was happy and his mom was happy.

Can unwrapped the gift box and opened it. It was a black slick watch of his favourite company. It was amazing! He took a bath and jumped into set of new clothes, he put on the watch and showed it off in the mirror speaking to himself.
I look so damn good! He thought as he smiled at the mirror in front of him. His smile faded away when he realised he had to arrange a press meeting for Tin who by the way returned from India this morning. He felt an eerie excitement pass through him, the thought of meeting Tin after so many days got him all giddy.

He was apparently in a good mood, he headed towards the venue the press conference supposed to be held and took care of all the prerequisites. Many famous press reporters had come up to throw their tantrums at his poor boss. He always hated those nosy reporters who'd ask bunch of unnecessary questions and push pastor
their limits by degrading others. He also knew that his boss was very good at handling it. But the whole point was, where the heck was his boss. He quickly dialed his number and brought it to his ear, it rang two times before it was picked up.


"Umm..Tin, the reporters are here already, where are you?" Can asked through the phone. Can let out a startled yelp when he felt a breath on neck from the back and he heard a voice which made him feel alive all of a sudden,

"I'm right here, cantaloupe!"

Can turned around and his breath caught up in his throat as he took in Tin's appearance. Tin as usual was all suited in an attractive grey suit, his hair was dyed a shade lighter somewhere between dark brown and brunette, his eyes clearer and big, his lips curved into a beautiful smile making Can go weak in his legs. It wasn't the first time he watched Tin, why was he looking extra hot today?was Can's valid question.

Tin frowned a little and his confidence seemed to lighten as he asked "Do I look weird? I shouldn't have dyed my hair-"

"You look ho- good, you look good really!" Can blurted, Tin looked taken aback for a moment but flashed a huge grin placing a hand on Can's shoulder,

"Thank you cantaloupe, and you too. You look cute today!" Tin winked, Can visibly blushed at the sudden compliment. He felt his heart beating rapidly.

𝕋𝕚𝕟 𝕚𝕤 ℂ𝕒𝕟𝕟𝕖𝕕' (𝕋𝕚𝕟𝕔𝕒𝕟) ✔Where stories live. Discover now