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"W-what?" Can spluttered out.

"Last time I checked, I was your secretary not your servant". Can stated crossing his arms over his chest. He literally ran to his office worrying about what he had done this time, and he was called for coffee? That was pretty absurd!

"The last time I checked you were flirting with an employee, and flirting was not a thing a secretary would do." Tin stated playing with the pen cap in his hand.

Can was taken aback by his words, "I wasn't flirting, he was helping me with the registration ."

"You should've asked your boss and that would be, Me!" Tin said and Can looked at him as if Tin had grown a third eye.

"I literally just asked you right before going. And you refused. Arrogantly!" Can added waiting for a reply.

"You might as well asked me nicely then," Tin said putting his pen down, and gesturing Can to come closer.

"You should request and I might help!" Tin smirked making Can gape at him in disbelieve.

I get what this is all about, he wants me wrapped around his fingers. He's an attention whore isn't he? Ahrr things I do for money!!!

Can sighed before speaking "Can you please help me with the registration?"

"Not nice enough!"

"I really suck at this work, perhaps would you help me complete this task?"

"Not kind enough"

Can sighed, he really is testing my patience! Time to unleash the cutealoupe.

Tin watched in amusement as Can's cheeks puffed up a little and his lips curved into a cute semi pout. Only god and Tin knew how adorable he looked. Not even the gaga author and the hoes reading this book know it.

"As you can see, I'm not aware of a task as simple as this, So I would be honoured if you could lend 10 minutes of your precious life to a midget like me, so that I can get through this pathetic and life changing problem. So would you please?"

Leave it to Can, for being dramatic and cute at the same time. Seeing Can being all sarcastic and adorable made Tin smile and chuckle out loud.

No matter how much grudge Can was holding against him, he couldn't help but feel a little giddy on seeing Tin smile after a long time.

"Okay, I'll help you. Get a chair and sit beside me." Tin stated grabbing the laptop from Can's hand.

"b-beside you?" Can asked

"Duh! What now? You want me to make you sit on my lap or something?" Tin watched as a faint red appeared on Can's fluffy cheeks and tips of his ears. God, he was trying to stay mad at him and here he ended up admiring Can.

"Haha so funny!" Can mocked before pulling a chair close to Tin. Tin shifted his chair an extra inch more, making their arms touch. Tin started explaining each and every step patiently and Can followed him and looked at him as he explained and demonstrated skillfully. Tin had this hidden charm, there was something about his aura and personality or it was just his looks but it interested him. Can was still very confused yet curious to know about what kind of person Tin was.

For him, Tin was something at a museum and he wasn't suppose to see or touch but he couldn't help but find himself drawn to it.

"Are you even listening?" Tin asked making Can flinch away.

"Oh yeah!" Can exclaimed. He added "I got the point, I'll get back to my desk and do the rest!"

Just when Can was about to get up, he felt a hand on his thigh stopping him from getting up making his heart go wild up in the sky.
"No, you stay here and complete them. I don't trust you with this work!"

Can nodded but his eyes stared at the hand on his thigh, Tin seemed to notice it and retracted his hand all too soon awkwardly. Tin quickly opened few files and started working on them, or at least he did that to reduce the embarrassment. Can brushed off the thoughts and got back to working on his laptop.

Little did he know, Tin was watching him with heart eyes for like what seemed like an year. Can was too busy to notice, he was so involved in the screen. Tin took his own old time, watching him bite his lips, blow his fringe and sing quietly. It was so amusing. It was better than a movie screening in any theater. If he could, he'd pay to watch Can like a movie everyday. He indeed was paying him though!

An hour passed by and the Can's shift came to an end. Can put the laptop away and stretched his body. "I'm done with 15 registrations, there are 10 more to go. Rest for tomorrow." Can said packing his stuff.

Tin had this urge to go up and stop him. He didn't realise how fast, the hour had come to an end. He wanted to see him more or at least spend time with him. Oh crap, where was the let-me show-you-who-I-am Tin? He ended up helping him in the end anyway, he willingly got distracted and now he had paperwork to sign. But still, he didn't want Can to leave. So that's how he ended up blabbering.

"I need all of them to be done today!" Tin stated making Can frown at him.

"How can I get it done? My shift here is done. Moreover you should've told me earlier, I would've completed faster" Can said

"Uh huh Told you earlier so that you'd do everything in a hurry and mess it up at the end?" Tin said getting up from his seat, so did Can.

"So what now? I should stay here all night and complete this shit?" Can asked pretty irritated, he was literally waiting to get out of here and then Tin drops a bomb.

"Not necessarily, you can stay over the night at my place and complete this." Tin stated making Can's jaw drop to the floor.

"Oh heck no! I'd rather stay at the office all alone." Can.

"I don't trust you, besides tomorrow is Sunday and the registrations will be closed. So you will be heading with me, and I can drop you off at your house in the morning." Tin

Is he serious? What am I going to do?

"Oh Tin, trust me I can do them myself-"

"Are you questioning my decision?" Tin asked in his authoritative voice making Can go shut.

"Okay!" Can sighed before following Tin to his car. He kept thinking about all the bad things that could happen.

Why do I have a feeling that this whole plan is going to turn bad?

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𝕋𝕚𝕟 𝕚𝕤 ℂ𝕒𝕟𝕟𝕖𝕕' (𝕋𝕚𝕟𝕔𝕒𝕟) ✔حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن