Catch Me - Hamelia

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For Amelia :D


"Amelia!" Louis called through the laptop to you. "It's good to see you again, love!"

"Go away Louis!" Harry was wrestling Louis so he could be on camera but the older lad had him pinned underneath him. They both wanted to talk to you but you only had the desire to see Harry. Your childhood best friend.

"Boys, stop fighting, there's enough of me to go around." You giggled as you watched them fight on the ground. Then, your laptop screen was filled with Zayn's face.

"Vas happenin' Amelia?" He winked at you causing you to blush. You were always the quiet one so having the attention of the hottest boyband in the world was a bit overwhelming.

"Is that Harry's girl?" You heard Liam ask in the background. Then he appeared next to Zayn. "I wanna talk to her!" He waved at you while he shouldered Zayn to the side. Zayn wasn't about to talk that so he pushed Liam until the two were pushing each other.

Another body pushed against Liam and the two boys fell over, Niall was the guilty party that made the two boys fall. He smiled widely, revealing his braces. "Hi babe!"

"Hey, Niall." You laughed at the boys that were on the floor. Suddenly, Niall was tackled by the four other boys. You shook your head and waited for them to stop.

While waiting you began to sing quietly to yourself while scrolling through Twitter, "Light on my heart, light on my feet, light in your eyes, I can’t even speak. Do you even know how you make me weak?" You realized that your laptop had fallen quiet the screams and grunts of the One Direcition boys had now fallen quiet. You turned to look up at the screen and realized that all five of them were staring at you now.

"Woah." Zayn gasped. "I didn't know you could sing, Amelia?"

You nodded shyly, "I don't really sing for people. Not even Harry."

Harry was frowning, "I wanted to be the first to hear you sing. It's so unfair." He pouted like a child.

"At least I sang for you. Just know, that is the last time I'm ever singing for anyone." You went back to scrolling through Twitter.

"You can't let your voice go to waste, love." Louis reprimanded you.

Niall nodded, agreeing with Louis. "Yeah, a voice like yours needs to be heard."

"You should do a twitcam and sing for the fans! We'll watch you for support!" Liam suggested, always thinking about twitcam. He was, afterall, the king of twitcams.

You put your hand up, signaling that they all stop. "Definitely not."

"I know you're a bit quiet and shy but you need to share your voice." Harry was smiling sweetly at you with his dimples showing, "Do it for me, please?" He jutted his lips out.

The other boys watched him then turned back to you, "Do it for us too?" They all chorused together and mimicked Harry's face, jutting their lips out. How could you refuse those five cute faces?

"I'll think about it." You sighed, not sure if you were really going to do this. Then, you decided that you couldn't let those five precious boys down, especially the one with the curls. "Fine, I'll do it. But you lads have to be watching and ready for me to Skype you right after, okay?"

They all nodded with giant smiles, "Yes!" You watched as they did random dances away from their laptop, you couldn't help but laugh.

Then, Harry's face appeared and you sighed dreamily as you noticed the smile hadn't left his face. "I love you, Amelia. Thanks for doing this. I just want something more for you than just being a retail sales person. You're so much more than that, I believe in you."

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