What's Left Of Me - Zanielle

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For Danielle! :)


Lately, Zayn Malik has been depressed. His relationship with Perrie Edwards has ended. She was caught cheating on him, turning the Bradford Bad Boi into the Bradford Broken Boi. You were reading the news and couldn't help but gasp as you read all of this.

In your head, you and Zayn were perfect for each other but of course so did millions of other girls. Your long chestnut hair was the dark color that Zayn said he liked, sure you had highlights but now so did Zayn. Your chocolate brown eyes were dark and mysterious, the way Zayn described them in his very first interviews.

Why did he choose Perrie when she was the exact opposite of what he wanted? You couldn't figure it out but the sad tweets that Zayn was sending out were really getting to you. Reading that he was smoking more often, your heart hurt for him. It wasn't pity, it was more like you were feeling his sadness as well. You knew what it was like to be cheated on and couldn't imagine how Zayn could deal with it while being in the public eye.

Tumblr had pictures of Zayn looking sickly thin with a cigarette between his fingers, he was getting worse. Falling deeper. It was sad to watch your celebrity crush become a shell of what he used to be. With a heavy heart, you picked your phone up and called your manager, you were an actress who had found a lucky break by starring on Glee's fourth season for a couple of episodes. "Hey Lucy!" You called into the reciever when she answered.

"Hey Dani, what's going on chicka?"

You bit your lip wondering if it was a bit forward of you to ask, "I was wondering if you knew Zayn Malik's number?"

"I could get it." She spoke slowly, cautiously. "Why do you want it?"

You decided to tell her, it couldn't hurt. "I want to fix him."

"Fix him? Listen, Danielle, I know you're very nice but right now Zayn is going through heartbreak, he's not looking for someone to fix him. He's trying to cope, trying to fix himself before he can let someone else in." She sighed, "Plus, I don't think he'd be interested in an American actress."

"Just, I want to try. It's killing me to know that one of my biggest idols is so hurt. I want to do this for him, not for myself." You begged, actually wanting to help Zayn out. You could become his distraction, his cure to this heartbreak.

Lucy went silent for a while then answered, "I'll get the number for you but the question is, will he let you in?"

"I have a plan." You reassured her and hung up the phone. Your dark brown eyes were clouded with emotions, how do you make someone fall in love with you? How do you fix someone that is missing pieces of himself?

Your phone dinged signalling a new text, opening it you found that it contained Zayn's cell phone number. Dancing a small cheer you pressed it and called him.

"Hello?" He answered in a hoarse voice giving away that he had been asleep. "Who's this?"

You were a bit scared to answer after hearing his sexy sleepy voice, "Uhm, I'm Danielle. I'm an actress who recently moved to Bradford.."

"Yeah, so?" He answered in a dull tone. Ouch. "Why should I care?"

"I was just wondering since, uhm, since we're both celebrities, if you could show me around town? You really don't have to but I heard you were staying at your home recently so if you don't want to then that's fine but.. yeah."

You went silent and waited. He sat on the phone for a good five minutes without speaking, you were scared that he might have fallen asleep until your heard him groan. "What time do you want to go out?" Your stomach did a little flip.

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