Princess Charming - Jarry

481 11 4

For Jannelle Alino! :D


You were waiting in line, at Starbucks, behind a curly haired boy, his shoulders were slumped and he was sniffling. Was he crying? You twirled your dark brown hair, mixing the brown with your lighter highlights. Knowing you shouldn't be so upfront, you just looked away and waited for the boy to pay.

"Fifteen thirty six." The old cashier informed him in a robotic voice. He reached in his pocket and took out a card, the old woman took it and slid the card. He put his pin number in and waited. "I'm sorry sir, your card has been declined." She glanced him over to see if he looked like a gangster or something.

"It can't be declined. Am I being Punk'd, seriously? " His British accent revealed. "Try it again, please." She did, with the same effect. The woman grabbed a pair of scissors and cut his card in half with no remorse. The boy grabbed the two broken pieces, his body language said that he was just as torn as the card.

You took pity on the poor boy, he was from a different country afterall. "I'll pay for him." You handed the woman a twenty dollar bill, she took it grateful that the line would soon move

"You didn't have to do that." The boy turned to look at you, revealing that he was the one and only, Harry Styles. You shrugged and waved him off like it was no big deal. "Thank you." He bowed slightly, took his things and exited Starbucks quickly.

Sighing, you ordered and then grabbed your things, heading to a table by the large window. You sat and sipped your drink, looking out the window. People watching.

A certain curly haired boy caught your attention, he was yelling at an older gentleman who looked to be in his thirties. "You just hit me! You saw my car parked in front of yours and you hit it!" The man rolled his eyes at Harry. "Who does that? Who just pulls forward, going sixty and wrecks the other car!"

"Listen kid, you've got money. Buy another car." He shrugs and walks back into his car. You watched the scene unfold before your eyes. When the man pulled away, you wrote down his tag number. You gathered your things and walked outside.

Harry was leaning on his wrecked car, waiting for someone to pick up the phone. When they didn't , he dialled another number. You watched him do this six more times. "What do I do now?" He yelled in frustration, running his hand through his chocolate curls.

"I have his tag number." You approached the angry boy cautiously. "You just call the police and give them the tag number, they'll take care of the rest."

Harry stared at you for a minute then glanced down at the paper, "Thank you again." He dialled another number and waited for the other line to answer. When it didn't he growled on frustration.

"Need a ride?" You giggled at his facial expression. "I'm more than happy to help you out."

"You're not one of those crazy fans that will kidnap me, are you?" His lip twitched as he fought a smile.

Shaking your head, you pointed a finger at him. "Now, now, Harry. That's no way to talk to your princess charming." You giggled. "Now, come. Away we ride into the susnset on my noble steed." He followed you to your car with an amused smile.

"So, where are we headed to?" You looked around to watch for vehicles, not wanting to get in an accident.

He bit his lip, then took his phone out. After clicking some buttons, he handed it to you, showing you a map to the recording studio he needed to get to. The car ride was silent except for your low singing, Harry kept glancing over at you but then he'd turn back to look out the window. "Thanks for the ride. And everything else." He slid out and waved to you.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2012 ⏰

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