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"Let's all take a break and be back here after 10. The rehearsals will continue. Got it?" Kiara's voice echoed in the theatre room as she speak on a megaphone.

The club members on the stage stopped acting and gave a sigh, even the props men who was working on the side stood up and exit the threater room in a hurry. She put down the megaphone on the table both in front of you and sighed. Slumping back on her sit, she took the script in her hands.

"We're on the half of the play. The flyers are out, a lot of people are already messaging me saying that they cant wait to see our play. The pressure is now doubled, do you think we can do this?" She asked as she turn to face you, who like Kiara is slumped back on the chair, hair in a messy bun and wrapped in a comfortable black shirt, ripped black jeans, a black rubber shoes and a blue striped long sleeves with all the buttons left open.

"Dahyun and Vernon and pretty much all our members are already prepared. All we have to worry about is the props and the wardrobe." You said as you took off your glasses and put it on the table, bottles of water standing in front of you.

"But they get easily confused with how they are going to project and position on stage." She said as she massage her neck. You nodded, especially the protagonists, they get awkward and confused too many times.

Kiara stood up from the chair, "I'll just go to the backstage." She said as she walk away.

You ran your palms through your face before you lay your head on the table, your arm becoming a pillow. Some strands falling on your face as you stare on the black walls of the theatre room. You've been locked in this room more than half of the day, the last time you talked to Jimin and Wendy was when you were walking to get here.

A bottle was place in front of your face that made you look up. You saw Jungkook's smiling face, you look back on the bottle he just gave you and saw that it was an orange juice.

You took it and opened the lid, "Thanks." You said as you sip from it.

"Kiara said that you can take a break but you didn't. The cafeteria was too crowded and getting you a food would take forever so I only got you a drink, sorry." He said as he sat beside you.

You gaze at him, he's wearing a black sweater, a ripped jeans and his usual timberland boots. His hair covering his forehead, the camera hanging from his neck. "You aren't even supposed to buy me anything, why are you saying sorry?" You chuckled a bit as you lean back on your seat, both of you stare ahead.

Its been two weeks since you started practicing for the play and Jungkook has always been inside the theatre room whenever there's a practice but he would only either sit from afar or infront of the stage taking pictures and not talking to anyone so that he wouldn't disturb anyone.

There are times when he's catch your eyes and smile at you but he never talked to you inside the threatre room, this was the first time he did. You heard him sigh and relax on his seat, you looked at him.

"Y/n." He said before looking at you. "Do you like someone?" He asked.

You froze when you heard his question, you hold your breath as you blink furiously. "That's a very random question." You said, almost breathless. Afraid that he might know that you like him or that he probably has a clue now.

He smiled, shyly. "I know but I'm just curious." He mumbled. "So do you like someone?" He asked again.

You bit your lip, your heart beating like crazy as you battle with yourself wether to answer his question or not.

But in the end, you did, "Yes. I do like someone." You said, eyes cannot meet his.

And that someone is you, Jeon Jungkook. Your voice echoed inside your head as you finally look at him in the eyes. Hiding your feelings to someone you like is hard and confessing this is even harder but you want to, its just that its risky. But you've come to ask yourself, what if everything turns out well if you confess? What if he likes you back?

But you smiled that thought away as you stare at Jungkook's face. "He's lucky then." He said as he look away.

You're lucky then, you thought as you sigh. "I'd be more lucky if he feels the same." You mumbled that made him look at you again.

"I'm pretty sure he also likes you. Who wouldn't like you?" He said as he beamed at you.

You. You thought again.

"Him." You said as you stare deeply on his eyes. If only he could see it in your eyes, if only he could feel it too.

"Aish," he said as he put an arm around your neck and lock you, "Don't say that. We don't know it, do we?" He said as he look at you.

But you were blushing furiously, your eyes wide and lips in thin line as you awkwardly froze, hands gripping on the bottle of juice he gave that you were holding. It became even more uncomfortable when you saw how his face was only inches away from yours and his eyes were staring into yours.

"Y-yeah." You awkwardly said and you figured he heard how uncomfortable you were when his expression changed, now awkward too as he let go you.

"I'm... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that, I crossed the line there." He said as he look away, clearing his throat.

"I forgot we weren't even that close." He whispered but you heard him, and you could only watch him get off his seat and walk away from where you are.


Guess who's running out of drafts and still feeding you updates? :))))

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