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Note: I hope you read my note at the end of this chapter :)


The image of Jeon Jungkook kneeling down before you is still fresh on your mind. Now that the anger subside, your heart aches for him, like what he did touched your heart. And if you hadn't made up your mind then, you would've been running back to him and you'd pick him up on his knees foolishly, but sometimes, valuing yourself is greater than anything in this world, even greater than your love for him.

Love isn't blind, it is us that are blinded by love, and you're so lucky to have friends like Jimin to wake you up from your deep sleep. To tell you that you look stupid to everyone now and you need to stop. To tell you that this isn't you anymore.

And redemption will be a hard thing to grasp but you're sure to have it. This time you'll put yourself first before anything else. Because what's important is you, and when everything is lost, all will be left is yourself. And it would be sad if you lost it because of the love you have for a boy.

"What I'm saying is, you should look for a university now, Tae. The first sem is about to end." Jimin said as he eat his lasagna.

"Even if he doesn't look for a university, I'm sure Taehyung could enter any university he picks by the last minute." Wendy said as she nudge Taehyung by the shoulder.

"It's not like that. I'm just new here and I'm not familiar with universities here." Taehyung explained. "Why? Do you have a school in your mind now, Jimin?" He asked.

Jimin nodded, "I want to study at Busan. Maybe, you can study there too so it won't be hard for us to adjust."

You looked at Jimin who had a grin on his face, his eyes in thin lines. You were so focused at Jungkook that you forgot that Jimin's also a senior.

"Then, Y/n and Wendy will be left here all alone?" Taehyung asked as he glance at you.

"Mm. That's life but we can visit them every weekend if you want to see Y/n so badly." Jimin teases.

Taehyung shook his head, "I'm just worried about them. Park Jimin, you talk like you wont miss Ms. Rank One." He teases back.

You saw how Jimin's cheeks became flushed and Wendy's grimace. You remember the girl from the school's fest with glasses.

"You're dating your year's topnotcher?" You asked him.

"Jimin sees brainy girls as sexy now. That's an improvement." Wendy chuckled and you saw how Jimin glared at her.

"It's not like that. I just... I've never seen someone as kind as her. And I love her eyes, I've never been so lost at someone's eyes before." He said as he try to picture the girl in front of him.

"How about you two? You'll be seniors soon, do you have a uni in mind?" Taehyung asked, ignoring Jimin that still has the dreamy look in his eyes.

You remembered the email you received two months ago.

"I actually passed the exam at my dream uni." You muttered and you saw how Jimin's dreamy look turned to a serious one.

He was the only one who knew that you took the exam and how far it was. His face was filled with question but when you were about to explain Wendy's phone beeped as well as the phone of the students that sat in different tables on your cafeteria. Even Jimin's phone beeped but Taehyung and yours didn't.

You saw how Wendy's brows furrowed when she notice how the other's also beeped. After a second, whispers grew in between the students inside the cafeteria. She took her phone from the table and unlocked it. You waited for her to show you the message but you were shocked when she stood up from her sit, slamming the table with her hand.

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