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Your feet drags on the pavement as you try to reach the bus stop. You hear vehicles passing by each second, you see your shadow on the concrete as the building and street lights shone over you.

Different people pass by your sides, some bumping with your shoulders but nothing seemed to bother you. Not even the fact that the sun already set. You were lost. You were so lost in thoughts, in the echoes of voices inside your head.

It keeps ringing, his voice, his words. It keeps flashing, the window that displayed the orange sky, the silent staircase and his smile. You silently sit down on the bench underneath the shed of the bus stop.

Your mind goes in twirls but still ends up in a blank. Like the emptiness that is filling you up right now amidst the noise on the street. But everything goes down to one thing: you didn't want to go home. Not yet. Not with your lost state.

You looked at the bus that's about to stop infront of you. You looked at its number then realized that you missed the bus to your house. In the end, you still got on the bus.

You sat beside the window and the almost empty bus still feels stuffy. Eyes set outside, everything feels like its in a fastforward as the people, the buildings became a blur as you pass by them. Where do you go now?

You cant go home because this isn't the ride home and you wont go home because you dont want to. You turned on your phone and immediately thought of Wendy.

Maybe you could crash at her place, since she doesn't live with her parents and she's all alone in her flat. You got out of the bus when you saw her street, you walk up to that building that contains more several flats like hers. You went up to her door but stopped when you saw the door slightly opened.

You push it with one finger slowly, not wanting to make a sound when you noticed a guy's shoes at the doorstep.

"I dont kiss liars, Wendy." You heard a familiar voice.

Your brows furrowed at what the guy said. What the heck is happening inside?

"I was never taught how to lie." You heard Wendy's feminine voice, and you swore you could almost hear her smirk.

Then there was silence, a thump on the floor and a sloppy sucking sound. You quickly took a step back, your hand flew to your mouth. You can't go barge in there after hearing those so you head down and dragged yourself again to the bus stop.

You dialed Jimin's number and hoped he didn't brought home a chick in his home tonight or else you'll have to go home whether you like it or not.

You dialed it twice before he answered.

"Hey." You said.

"Hey, what's up?" You heard shuffling in his background.

"Im sorry, am I disturbing you?" You bit your lip as you kick on the pavement.

"What? No. What's wrong?"

"Can I...Can I crash at your place for tonight?" You asked with hesitance as you see the bus to his house.

"What? Of course, I'll just clean for a sec. Did you already tell your mom?" You could hear his worry even through the phone.

"I haven't. I'll just message her when I get there." You asked as you step in the bus.

"Im sorry, I just need someone to get these things out of my head." You sighed as you look out the window.

"Anytime, babe." He hummed.

The black and white themed house came in your view the moment you step out of the bus. You reach for the doorbell and waited for Park Jimin to open the door.

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