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You took off your black pointed heels and drop the bouquet on the center table of your living room. You sighed as you plop yourself on the couch.

The play was already done, the presentation ran smoothly, no technical errors or humiliating scenes came upon on your presentation. Everybody was excited when they went in the room and they were smiling leaving it, and for you that was the most satisfying thing ever.

You looked at the bouquet on the table, the whole theatre club gave it to you for your hard work and of course, Kiara too.

You run you fingers through your hair, today was a busy day. It was flooded with people and nerve-wracking, you haven't even had the time to talk to Jimin nor Wendy. You had seen Jungkook taking pictures on the play earlier but when the show was about to end, you couldn't even have a glimpse of his hair.

You felt your phone vibrate inside the pockets of your jeans, you fished for it and saw a message from Jungkook. You instantly sit up straight and inhaled deeply before opening it.

Its almost midnight, what could he message you?

From: Jeon Jungkook

Congratulations! Im sorry I didn't got to say it to you personally but hey, did you like the bouquet?

You smiled reading his message and you instantly picked up the bouquet and looked at it. It was really pretty with all the pale pink roses and a million star of baby's breath surrounding it.

Its like Jungkook itself, soft, gentle, comforting and beautiful. You carefully type your reply.


Thank you. Did you buy it? I thought it was from the club? Btw, I love it, its so beautiful.

After a minute, you saw it light up and vibrate in your hands. Your heartbeay raises but somehow, it brings you comfort as you talk to him.

Jeon Jungkook:

Glad you loved it :) Had a fair share of it, I was the one who bought them though. Thought the pink roses suits you well.

You let yourself fall back on the couch as you muffle your scream and smile with your hands. You looked at the bouquet again on the table, your insides screaming too. Your phone lit up again.

Jeon Jungkook:

You're probably tired right now, I should let you sleep. Goodnight, Y/n. See you tomorrow :)

Your smile instantly fell, you still wanted him to talk to you but with all the things that is happening to you made him think that you're tired and wanted sleep.

Although disappointed, you decided to end the day with a goodnight sleep, wiping off all the make up on your face and washing yourself before you sleep. You knew you'd be back to normal again tomorrow, where you'll sit inside the four cornered wall, your butt numb and your hand gripping either a pen or a book.

The only good thing about being in that four cornered room was you're now back with your friend, Wendy.

And of course, seeing Jeon Jungkook.

"What should we eat for today?" She said as she turn to you, she even lowered her face just so she could look up at you as you read your book.

The glasses that was given to you to wear whenever you're reading were falling off your nose as you read, hair in bun and some are falling to your face. Nobody dared to make a sound with the terror teacher in front, sitting on her desk but Wendy was an exception.

"Whatever our cafeteria serves, I'll have to drop by the library before heading there though." You whispered, Wendy nodded vigorously.

When the bell rang, Wendy hooked her arm to yours as you walk on the hallways. "Let's go to a tea house on the weekend. Dont invite Park Short Jimin though." She said as she lean her head on your shoulder.

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