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Standing with the team, the auditorium looked too wide and have too many space for all of you to clean. With ripped faded jeans and gripping a pair of gloves, your hair was tied up in a bun, ready to conquer the tiring day.

"Why are we even designated here? Where's the theatre club?" Sharlene groaned, standing beside you. She has a point, though complaining.

"We'll be doing the first step of preparing the auditorium before they step in. And that is to clean it." Yoongi said, holding a mop in his hand.

They all groaned in unison. But you just stood there, taking a deep breath and finally accepting the dreading hours of cleaning.

"Can't you do something about this Taehyung?" A boy asked Taehyung who stood feet away from you, with Sharlene standing between the two of you.

You saw him shook his head, "I can't just make requests, especially that this was designated for us. They'll only think we're using my power. Sorry."

"Don't worry, if we ever finish cleaning this today, we'll go to our next area. And that is the hall." Yoongi tried to comfort them. Seems like he was in a mood today.

But that was understandable, he is the leader of the team. He is the head. He should be the anchor. He tried to make them see that he is also up for it, despite being lazy.

"Are we going to clean the halls too?" Hannah asked, face a bit crumpled.

Yoongi shook his head, "No. We'll be decorating it, together with the dance club."

"Let's get this started then." Taehyung said. Everyone nodded and scattered around.

"Freaking sweep the floor first before you mop it." You heard Yoongi hiss as you walk to the backstage, wearing the gloves.

"I'll mop." You heard Taehyung's scream as he raise his hand.

You wipe the furnitures at the back as you sigh. You're trying so hard to avoid Taehyung, so hard that it became awkward. You're pretty sure he knows it by now. And you sure hope he understands it.

"I'm saying we can't finish this all. Can't you call someone that can lend us a hand?" After four hours of cleaning, you heard someone complain to Yoongi.

You wipe your forehead with your barehands, the gloves set on a table. You looked at Yoongi, he was wearing gloves.

"I can, but I'm not sure if he's available right now." He said. Taehyung stopped mopping the stage.

"Just try it." A girl said, almost breathless, tired of cleaning.

Yoongi took his phone out, a second of tapping and he's already calling for someone.

"Hey, Kook, are you busy?" You almost froze when you heard him talking to the phone.

"Can you help us here in the auditorium? Come on, you were also a part of the team before." Yoongi chuckles.

"You're going here? Okay, great. Thanks kook." Yoongi said then he put down his phone.

"I guess a hand helps right?" Yoongi said to everyone. You glance at Taehyung and you saw him looking at you.

You turn around and continue wiping a table. Honestly, something changed when you heard about Son Ji Ro, it might be your feelings towards Jungkook but you can't pin point it. You still want to avoid him but a part of you wants to know more.

Maybe to see if Lee Ara really deserves Jeon Jungkook. To see if she's cheating on him. But the ine question lies in your head. What would you do if she really did cheat on him?

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