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"What's so hard about that? Just hold her hand, Vernon. You're sitting there right? Take her hand and make sure that she'll land on your lap when she trips. Make the eye contact and hold her face. Dahyun, measure where you'll fall." Kiara shouted without even using a megaphone.

Its only a week before the play, the club members are now very much pressured and nervous, even you were pressured. And Kiara was being too strict since this morning, probably because she feels the same too, but you understand that her's were double to what you are feeling since she was the president of the club and the play's director.

The actors in the stage were wiping their sweat and shaking their hands to have the nervousness out of their body. All of them were silent as both you and Kiara were already standing from your seats and close to the stage just so you could teach them.

The theatre room was almost set, the propsmen were only giving some finishing touches on the props and the costume will come in two days.

"Scene 43 action!" She shouted again.

Dahyun and Vernon sat on the bench in the middle of the stage with a space in between them. "I waited for you but you never came." Vernon said as he look at her, Dahyun only looked at the leaves that fell on the soil.

"I thought you already left me." He took her hand that made her look at Vernon.

She slowly pulled her hand away. "I-I need to go." She said as she stood up, Vernon could only look at her.

But she soon trips, Vernon took her hand and pulled her towards him like what Kiara instructed. But Dahyung didn't fell on his lap, instead she fell to the floor. Vernon stood up immediately and attended to Dahyun. Some of the characters helped her to stand up and checked if she was okay.

"Vernon cant you guide her waist?! Get out of the stage. Y/n go up there, I need a male actor!" She shouted. Dahyun and Vernon immediately stepped down on the stage and sat on the audience's chairs.

Nobody dared to make a sound or to even volunteer themselves as you walk up the stage. When nobody did so, Kiara scanned the theatre room to choose someone.

You also looked at the members that was already seated infront of you. You saw Jungkook seated three rows begind them. His arms were resting at seat infront of him as he lay his chin on it, eyes both on you.

He wore a black hoody over his head that only made his honey skin pop more. His pink lips in a thin line as he watch you.

"You at the back. Get on the stage." Your eyes widen when Kiara shouted, finger pointing at Jungkook who was silently watching everything.

He immediately sat straight, finger pointing to his face. "Me?" He asked.

"Yes, you. Substitue Vernon." She said.

You took a step forward. "B-but Kiara he's not a club me―" you tried to stop her but you were cut off when you saw Jungkook stood up from his seat and jog your way.

He took your elbow when he got on the stage and gently pulled you to sit on the bench. Your eyes were only looking at him the whole time.

"What are you doing? You aren't a club member?" You whispered as he sat next you.

"Hey, I can act too you know." He said as he chuckle and look at Kiara. "What are we going to do Director?" He asked.

Kiara told us what we should do and what to say, Jungkook only nodded and listened while you stare at him and wonder why is he doing this.

"Action!" Kiara shouted.

You immediately portray your role, you distant yourself from him, eyes looking on the floor as he look at you.

"I waited for you but you never came." You heard Jeon Jungkook's melodic voice echo on the theatre room.

"I thought you already left me." You almost flinch when you felt Jungkook's hand took yours. You look up and meet his gaze, his eyes so soft and expressive, like he was really waiting for a long time just for you.

"You are't avoiding me, right? Dont give up on us yet. Im still fighting, and I'd fight for the rest of my life if it's what it takes just to be with you." He said when you never said your line, too mesmerized staring at his face.

"You dont have to fight. Just say that you still feel the same. Just tell me that you feel the same." He said as he took your other hand with his, almost making you believe that this was all real.

You immediately retract your hands from his grip when you felt you remembered that he was only acting, you look away. "I-I need to go." You said, not in character. You just wanted to get off the stage because of your hammering heart.

You immediately stood up and was about to head down but you trip on a paint brush that was lying on the floor. Your body falling backwards as your foot slide and the paint brush gliding away from where it was. A shriek came out from your lips.

A strong hand touched your waist and pulled you, your arm flying but immediately landed on Jeon Jungkook's shoulder as he place you on his lap. His hand were still tight on your waist even when you were already safe. Your breath caught in your throat as you stare at his eyes with wide eyes and face only inches apart. His lips parted as he look at your eyes too.

His other hand goes up your chin and held your face. "Are you okay?" He whispered, your hand taking a fistful of his hoody when you felt another series of flying butterflies in your stomach and hammering heart.

You eyes stared deeply into his eyes as you try to find a word to say.

"Cut! Just like that! Did you saw how his hand took her waist, Vernon?" You immediately stood up from Jungkook's lap when you heard Kiara.

Jungkook followed you, "Yeah. Im okay." You mumbled as you tuck some strand behind your ear, eyes on the floor.

"Be careful next time." He said as he get off the stage, not waiting for you.

"No more absences for this week, especially on Wednesday, its the gown fitting." Kiara reminded before she dismiss all of you.

All of you were gathered and standing as you listen to Kiara. You stood behind all of the members as you were never absent and already knew the schedule.

You saw the boy in a black hoody jogging down the seats with his camera bag in his hand. He didn't dare look at his surrounding and continued walking to the door, and finally he left without looking back.

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