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James was sat on the twins coffee table, Ethan and Emma were sitting across from each other in the floor, Grayson was sitting on the arm of the couch and I was sitting beside him on the couch.

"I think we should go younger to oldest. So we all give Emma her gifts first." Grayson said. We all agreed.

"I'm seriously giving all of mine first each time because they are very anticlimactic." I said, reaching beside me on the couch and getting the box that had Emma's present in it. I pretended that it was super heavy for comedic effect and tossed it in front of her. She smiled and unwrapped the paper carefully. I bit my nails in anticipation because I was really anxious as to if she was even going to like it.

"Oh my gosh Emma hurry up." James said impatiently.

"It's wrapped so pretty, I don't want to mess it up." She said, sounding like she was going to cry.

She finally got the box open and began pulling stuff out of it. I got her more cropped tanks and oversized sweaters, nothing too interesting but something she would definitely use. I also go her more organizational stuff for her closet, because let's be real, it's a mess.

"I was literally looking at these in the store the other day and didn't buy them because I would know how to use them." She said holding up the organization stuff. "Will you come organize my closet for me?" She asked, putting them back in the box and hugging the life out of me.

"I'd be happy too." I smiled.

As the time went on, I realized that mine were most definitely the worst of the presents giving and that I would probably get heck by the fans saying that I don't really car about them or that I'm stingy or something. I got Grayson a bracelet he had been looking at for a while, and it was the same price as everything I got Emma so that was the only thing he got, which I kind of felt bad for. I then got Ethan some more stripped shirts because let's face it, him and Gray pull off stripes like nobody's business. And maybe if he looks good enough, he can get a girlfriend and leave my relationship alone.

When it was James' turn to get his presents he stopped us midtrack. He said something to Ethan and Ethan nodded.

"Actually I think we should give Haley hers before we give James his." Grayson pipped in, noticing the exchange between the two.

"What? No, we're going younger to oldest." I said, suddenly overwhelmed with the change of plans.

"Me and Ethan have to go somewhere and take James' to his presents so it would just make it so much easier if we give you yours first." Grayson explained. I mean, I knew what they got him so I guess it did make sense.

"Okay." I said.

"I'll go first!" Emma yelled, jumping up from her seat and running outside. She came back in, pushing a box just as big as her into the room. I looked at her confused. "Just open it." She said.

I tore open the paper and used my finger nails to cut the tape on the box. Inside was literally a multitude of clothes and a new fuzzy blanket.

"Emma. This is way too much." I said, still not done pulling stuff out of the box. At this point, Grayson's lap was covered because I was laying them on him for some reason.

Secret sisterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora