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"Well, at least she's not dead."

"It smells like she is."

"James. She's still your cousin."

"Not if she doesn't take a shower."

I opened one of my eyes slowly and saw Ryland and James standing over my bed.

"What the hell are you guys doing here?" I asked, sitting up.

"Well, considering it's been two days and you're not answering anyone's phone calls, we had to come check on you to make sure you were alive." Ryland said, grimacing. I reached over to my bedside table and grabbed my phone.

"Yeah, this is why I haven't been answering anyone." I said, throwing the busted iPhone on the bed in front of James and Ryland.

"What the hell did you do to your phone?" James asked, picking it up and looking at it.

"I threw it." I said, bitting my thumb.

"Off a mountain?" Ryland asked.

"It doesn't matter." I said, taking it back from them and throwing it back in the night stand. "How did you get in my apartment?"

"We borrowed Gr-" James started to say but Ryland shook his head no. "We used a spare key."

"Okay great. So why are you still here. You've seen that I'm alive." I said, laying back in the bed and covering my head with the blanket.

"Because were here to get to our of the house." Ryland said, pulling the blanket back away from.

"Oh absolutely not." I said, fighting with him for the blanket back.

"Yes. We're not taking no for an answer sister." James said, grabbing my hands and pulling me up out of the bed.

"Why?" I whined.

"Because you need to get your mind off things. Go take a shower, we'll have an outfit picked out for you when you get back." Ryland said. He pushed my back lightly and didn't stop until he shoved me into my bathroom and shut the door.

"This is child abuse." I yelled, trying to open the door, but one of them was sitting against it.

"You're an adult Haley." James yelled. "We're not letting you out until you shower."

"Why are you doing this?" I asked, starting to take my clothes off because I know how stubborn James is and I know he's not going to let me out if I don't shower.

"We're doing this because we love you and are worried about you and your well being." Ryland yelled. I rolled my eyes and turned the water on, getting in the shower.
"Okay, I've showered and I've put jeans on. Can you leave me alone now?" I asked, sitting on the edge of my bed.

"No. We're going out." Ryland said. "We already told you this."

"But why though?" I said, falling backwards on my bed. James sighed and pulled me back up.

"Because we said so."

"I just want to stay here." I said, pouting.

"We can go to McDonald's and get a milkshake." James suggested.

"Or we can just postmate it." I said.

"If you put make up on and come with us, I'll let you drive the g-wagon." Ryland said in a voice that sounded like bribery.

"You're bluffing."


"You own one?" I asked in confusion. Was that rude? Oh well.

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