Chapter 3

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"Make sure you don't die." Hayes told us. "Thanks for your concern." I said sarcastically. "Your welcome." Hayes chuckled, and I rolled my eyes.


We opened the front door and walked out to the back.

"So, hows your life been?" Taylor asked us. "Really, you're really asking that question?" I asked, annoyed and confused. "Sorry. Just trying to start a convo." He said, making me laugh to myself.

We continued walking until we saw the shed.

"Wait, look around first." I told them, and pointed at the edge of the house.

Aaron peeked his head around the corner of the house. "Nothing but a run-down playground." He said, looking back at us.

We walked over to the shed, and Aaron opened the door. When he opened the door, a walker came out on top of him.

Aaron was on the floor struggling to get the walker off of him. I aimed my gun and quickly shot the walker in the head. Once it died, Aaron looked up at me shocked.

"What?" I asked him, confused. "You could've killed me!" He said, surprised. "But I didn't." I said with a smile.

"Aren't you gonna get this thing off of me!?" Aaron asked impatiently. "Alright, just don't get all uptight, jeez." Taylor said as he helped Aaron with the walker.

We walked in the tool shed to see nothing but blood, lots of wood and tools.

"I think we could use some of these tools as weapons." Taylor said as he got a hold of a sledge hammer. "No duh, Sherlock." Aaron said, searching through the tool shed. "Oh look, a hockey stick!"

"CALLED IT!" I yelled jumping on Aaron for the stick. "GIMME!"

"Alright relax.." Aaron laughed, handing me the stick. "I know exactly what to do with this." I said, and got a file, sharpening the tip of the hockey stick.

"Watch where you point that thing." Taylor told me, grabbing a few planks of wood.

"You know we're gonna need more than that Taylor, you know that right?" Aaron asked him, as if he were an idiot. "No duh, dumbass." He said annoyed.

"Let's just get some tools. Of course you need to get some more wood to use to board up the windows. Just get as many planks of wood as you can, alright?" I told them as I was picking up some of the planks.

When we couldn't carry anything more, we left the shed and headed back to the house.

We entered the house and walked over to the kitchen, placing everything that we had in our hands, on the counter.

"That's everything that we could carry." Aaron said as he stretched out his arms. "I think that will be enough." Hayes told us, and something caught his glance. "Oh, look at that hockey stick!"

I slapped his hand away. "I CALLED DIBS." I said sternly, pulling the hockey stick closer to me. Hayes put his hand up to his heart and pretended to be hurt, making everyone laugh.

"So... What're we waiting for, lets get to boarding those windows!" Matt said enthusiastically.

"I'll watch Sky!" Em told us from the dining room. "Yay!" I heard Sky yell.

We boarded up the windows, Hayes got hurt a few times... It was kind of funny. Yet when we finished, we all decided to go to sleep since it was already dark.

We all wanted to sleep in the same room, making it easy for us to decide to go with the room we checked on earlier. Yet it was kind of small.

The boys dragged a few mattresses from the other rooms and set them on the floor. Shawn, Em and I decided to go back downstairs and bring the weapons with us to the room.

"I call the weird hammer and the long screwdriver." Em said as she picked them up with a couple others.

"I wanted the hammer!" Shawn pouted as we walked up the stairs. "Too bad." Em smirked, sticking her tongue out.

I laughed. We entered the room and put the weapons in Nash's duffle bag in the corner.

I slept on the mattress with Sky and Em.


"Nash watch out!" I yelled, as a walker was approaching him from the side.

The walker attacked Nash and bit him his shoulder, blood quickly rushing out as Nash yelled in pain.

Taylor shot the walker and I ran to Nash, kneeling down next to him.

"Nash! Are you okay?!" I asked worriedly.

'What kind of question is that?!'

"Yeah, yeah... Just tell Sky to come over here, I want to talk to her before- Hurry." He told me. By now, my tears were mini waterfalls on my cheeks.

I called Sky over and she came running. "Nash!" She said with sadness, and tears ran down her face.

"Sky, I want to tell you that I love you. Make sure you don't get hurt when I'm gone. Do what the guys tell you to do. Try to take care of yourself.  And, if you e-ever meet mom and dad again, tell them that I-I love them too." He said as tears pooled at the rim of his eyes, threatening to spill.

"But, just take some medicine!" Sky told him and he shook his head, chuckling.

He looked over at me, firmly in my eyes. Then up at the sky, slightly smiling

"Edelyn, just do it." Nash told me. "No. I won't." I said hesitantly. "Just do it!" He repeated, looking at me straight in the eyes.

I looked away. "I love you." I mumbled.

I pointed the gun at Nash's head and pulled the trigger. I looked back at Sky and she looked at me with fear in her eyes, quickly running to the guys and stood behind Hayes.

"Why?" Taylor asked furiously. "Why what?" I said as I continued crying. "Why did you have to kill him?!" Hayes asked angrily, tears running down his face.

"What do you mean why? I had to, he didn't want to hurt us! He told me to do it!" I told them angrily and frustratedly.

I kneeled down crying into my hands. I looked up and saw everybody looking at me in disgust.


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Edited x4 ._.

Zombie Apocalypse: Magcon Boys Fan FicOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz