Chapter 6: We Can't Lose You.

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Em looked over at me.

I saw that she was surronded by a pool of blood. "" was all I heard when before she blacked out.

"EMELY!" I yelled, and I quickly got up, yet tripped over nothing. My legs felt numb. Like they're asleep...

I got up again, and limped to Em, groaning in annoyance in the process.

I picked her up and limped past Taylor, Nash and JC.

When I was downstairs, the guys were there as well. They were surrounding Aaron, asking him a bunch of questions. Except when they all turned there attention to me, once they all noticed my presence. Their mouths hung open a bit, in shock.

I looked down to see Em unconsious with a few blood splatters over my shirt from the punch I took, and I had dry and new blood stains on my left arm from her bullet wound.

"STOP STANDING THERE AND GET SOMETHING TO HELP!" I said loudly, tears welling up in my eyes as I put her on the couch. "Come on, Emely... wake up." I said as I shook her.

I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. I turned around to see Nash and Taylor holding JC's arms behind him.

"Someone get something to tie JC, I need to see Lyn." Nash said as he held JC firmly.

"Alright!" The Jacks mocked Aaron, walking over to the kitchen.

'Why is everything in the kitchen?' I thought. I look around. "Did JC come alone?" I asked, looking at the boys who were looking around frantically through the cabinets.

Nash looks at me, then at JC. "Well did you?" Nash asked, walking to him.

"I don't know, ask god." JC told us sarcastically. "Guys, look around the house while Matt, Taylor and I stay here and watch JC and the girls." Nash said, gesturing the guys to the different rooms.

"How could I let this happen? I'm so stupid." I said, burying my face in my hands. "Dude, it's ok. You tried your best to save Em. She'll wake up, don't worry." Taylor told me, patting my back.

"Yet don't you know about the what-ifs!? What if they both don't wake up." I said loudly.

"Just don't over think it like that." He told me, getting up and going to the other couch where Nash was sitting next to Lyn.

"Where's Sky?" Nash asked concerned. "Oh, she's over there playing horses with Aaron." We all looked over at Aaron and laughed.

"What, you've never seen a guy play horsies before." Aaron said, coming the horse's mane.


All I could see was darkness. I couldn't hear anything... I was trapped in my own mind.

I wanted to wake up, but it was like I was in prison; I felt like my brain/mind was locking me up from ever opening my eyes again. It feels weird not to open up your eyes. I want to wake up. I want to see the boys... I just want to see Nash...

His ocean blue eyes, his pale like skin.... eveything. Wait! You can't like him, you just became friends with him a few weeks ago! I don't even know how I feel for anyone anymore...

I just want to wake up again.

-Two Days Later-


'Lyn wake up please.' I thought to myself. I looked around at the house to keep my mind off of her.

"Who knew that things would get this chaotic?" I said to myself, laughing a bit. "I don't know." Matt whispered, his voice hoarse.

I walked over to him. "You like her, I know you do." I said as I looked down at Matt. "I think I love her." Matt said, looking up to meet my gaze.

I could tell Matt was depressed. I mean it's been two days since Lyn and Em went unconscious cause of blood loss.

His eyes were still puffy and bloodshot from crying. And yes, were mine too...

I would cry for such a long time, that my head would start hurting so much... I couldn't stand it anymore. All we could do was wait.

"IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!" Matt yelled at JC, walking over to him. "What do you mean!?" JC said, yelling back. "DON'T ACT DUMB YOU KNOW IT WAS YOUR FAULT, YOU STUPID PRICK." Matt yelled, slapping JC.

"DON'T BLAME ME, BLAME NASH!" By now Matt and JC were both having a yell-off.

"DON'T BLAME NASH, BLAME KIAN FOR LYING!" Matt yelled, and stormed off to the bathroom.

JC didn't argue back. He knew it was true.

'How did this all come to be?' I thought to myself. Matt came out from the bathroom looking at me with tears in his eyes.

I got up and hugged him. He began sobbing on my shoulder. Then, I started to cry....

'What's gonna happen?'


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Edited x4 ._.

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