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(A/N= media is Yoongi with bruises because... we love death?)

The girls nodded and speared to their rooms as Yoongi walked towards me with an annoyed face.

"Beginning? Really?" He asked while rolling his eyes.
"Yup exactly." I walked towards him and throw a punch right at the middle of his face. He fall down to the ground.
"YAH! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT IDIOT!" He shouted as if it would scare me. He got up while holding his bleeding nose.
"We are going to black skulls house. I just killed their leader so they are really angry. You need to be ready to defence yourself at any time." I said calmly.
"Be honest, you just wanted to punch me right?" He said angrily.
"You have an annoying face. It makes me want to punch you." I said smirking. He stuck his tongue out. Seriously, how old are we? He is so childish. I continued "Anyways, let's start with the basics." I said.
"But I do have the technique." He protested
"No, you don't."
"I do."
"You don't."
"I do."
"You don't."
"I do"
"You are annoying me."
"But I do have the technique." He protested
"Punch me then," I said looking at the floor.
"W-what?" He said nervously.
"I said to punch me. We'll see your technique." With my word, he hesitantly put his arm up to punch me but I caught his wrist right before he hit my face. I put my head up and looked at his soft panicked eyes. "Your arm position is wrong." I pointed at his elbow and he looked at his elbow. I fixed his arm position. "Try again." This time he didn't hesitate to attempt and I repeat attempt, to throw a punch at me. And again, I caught his wrist before he could hit my face. I looked at his eyes again.
"What now? What did I do wrong this time?" He said
"Your legs." I kneeled down and made his foot turn towards me. I got up "Your foot should always be towards your target." He nodded cutely. "try again."

~Time skips(4 hours later)~

"Try again," I said looking at sweaty Yoongi that can faint any second from tiredness.

"Try again," I said looking at sweaty Yoongi that can faint any second from tiredness

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(A/N= HehehehheheHEeheeh)

"L-luna pleaseeeeee. We have been practising for the past four hours... I need wateeer." He pouted cutely. He was cute, I give him that. But work is more important.
"Try again," I said keeping a poker face.
"Luna, please. I beg you," He said pouting.
"F-fine, but only fifteen minutes." I gave up. I also needed a break.
"OMG! Thank you! iloveyouluna." He kissed my cheek and ran to the kitchen. I froze on my spot. I slowly touched my cheek.
"He loves me? what? wut? pardon? excuse me? YAh! That little... How can he kiss my-"I stopped shouting when I realised I was talking to myself. I chuckled at my stupidity. "Seriously, that boy is something." I went to the kitchen and saw Yoongi sitting on the counter, drinking two gallons of water.
"Tired?" I asked and sat next to him.
"Is this even a question? Of course, I am. I literally died." He said still catching his breath.
"Well, sorry. I like to train hard. It makes me feel confident. An-" He cut me and completed my sentence instead of me.
"-and we will go to Black skull's house. Which is really dangerous because you just killed their leader in cold blood. I know I know." He smiled. I smiled back.
"But really, we need to be ready." He nodded. I couldn't keep myself and let out a laugh.
"What is so funny?"
"Nothing. It's just, you look so funny and nervous." He laughed as well.
"Luna, I'm sorry."
"For what?"
"You know what I am talking about. I am seriously really so sorry."
"You are not-"
"-I am actually sorry. I really don't know anything about Lisa. I shouldn't have said non-sense like that. You were right. I acted immature. But the truth is I liked you. I really liked you. I still do. And the idea that you have a bo- sorry- girlfriend was just too hard for me. I overreacted. It was a mistake. I'm truly sorry." He said quickly. I was in shock. I started to analyse everything he said to truly understand what the heck he meant. He liked me? He overreacted? He acted immaturely? It was a mistake? It sounds like a cheesy k-drama apology scene after the boyfriend cheats on the girl but well- it was sweet so... we are just going to go for it.
"You like me?" I asked teasingly.
"Yea-yeah. But you like me as well!"
"WhAaT NoOoooO!"
"YOU DID! Remember! We had a listening device and I remember you exactly said '...the fact that I had a small crush on Yoongi...' which means you actually DID have a crush on me."
"Y-yah! MAybe I did. But it was a small one!"
"You have a girlfriend anyways." He signed. I smiled, even though I felt bad for him.
"I do. I miss her. I love her." I turned to him, causing us to have only a few inches between our faces. "I really hope you can understand."
"Yeah, I am sure she is an amazing person." He said smiling but pretty obvious he was dying inside.
"She really is... So, friends?"
"Yeah!" He gave a gummy smile. I jumped off the counter.
"We should leave. It's late. Everyone left already."
"Okayyy." He jumped off as well "So, see you in school?"
"Yep! bye" I left and heard Yoongi scream.
"I AM FRIENDS WITH HER!!!" I chuckled and left our training centre.

I drove my bike to Bloody moon's house but stopped with the scene I saw. I couldn't speak properly. I quickly threw my bike to the ground and ran towards the bodies lying on the ground.

Thanks for reading, but seriously thank you~
See you next Wednesday!

Btw, what do you think of Taemin's new song 'WANT'? I LOVE IT!

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