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(A/N= media is CLC because why the heck not they are queens.)

"J-Jennie?" I stuttered while saying her name. She was in front of me this whole time. The girls that I love. Literally, she was driving the car. I didn't even notice her...
"Yes, Lisa. Long time no see. You finally escaped from Black Skull." She said. She didn't even took her eyes off the road. Maybe she already forgot about me...

~Jennie P.O.V.~
I need to forget about her. She needs to forget about me. No, she already forgot about me. I hope she did. I guessed that she panicked when she saw me because she was scared that I would tell Luna that she cheated but I won't. Because Luna is my friend and so is Lisa, just friends.

The car journey was pretty calm, Bloody Moon members asked a bunch of questions to Lisa. Like how has she been or has she missed them. Lisa usually gave simple answers like 'yes' or 'no'.
(A/N= YES OR YES ... sorry) Lisa kept on ignoring their questions until we arrived at the Bloody Moon house.

As soon as the car stopped, Lisa ran inside the house. Jihyo tried to stop her but Luna said that maybe Lisa needed some time alone. I got out of the car. I looked at Bloody Moon and BTS.
"It was nice meeting you guys," I said as I leaned to the car.
"Oh, right. We finished the mission." Hoseok said. I nodded slowly.
"I'll get going. I hope to see you soon. Thank you for everything." I said and threw the cars keys to Luna, she caught it.
"I-I'll see you at the company..." Rose said. It was quite obvious she was getting teary. I smiled.
"You will. I will drop later to pick up my stuff." I said and slightly bowed to Bloody Moon and BTS. I walked across the street in which my car was parked.  I got inside and closed the door as slowly as I could be. I didn't really have the energy to do anything. The weather was sunny. There were flowers and birds were chipping but it didn't match my emotions. My head had storms and wind, it had rain and clouds. I started crying, not quietly but loud. I didn't know wanted to hide my emotions at this stage.
I thought to myself :
'I need to forget about her.'

~Lisa P.O.V.~
I was in my room, which was filled with Jennie's stuff, crying as loud as I could possibly be.
I thought inside my head:
'I don't want her to forget me.'

~Jennie P.O.V.~
'She can be happy without me.'

~Lisa P.O.V.~
'I need her in my life'

~Jennie P.O.V.~
'Luna will make her happy.'

~Lisa P.O.V.~
'She looked happy without me.'

~Yoongi P.O.V.~
Since Lisa is back, Luna is officially taken...
fuck my lifeu.

"Are you leaving the school now?" I asked Luna
"We probably will. Our mission was to get revenge of Black Skull. We killed their leader and saved Lisa so the mission is complete." She said.
"This is probably the last time we see each other, right?" Jungkook said.
"Very likely," Yeri said. I signed deeply. Not only the girl I like is taken but I don't have any more excuses to see her anymore.
"Bye Bloody Moon. It was nice meeting you. Thank you for everything and sorry about bullying you when we first met." I said and bowed to them.
"M-maybe we will still meet a very month or so. We are friends after all." Luna said, smiling. 'Friends'... Yeah, we are friends. I'll miss her smile.
"Yeah, definitely. Let's meet up every month." Jimin said even though we all knew that wasn't going to happen.
"Bye guys," Rose said. We all nodded and left to our cars.

We got inside our van and started driving home.
"Wanna go drink something?" I asked BTS. They liked the idea. We went to a bar and drunk all the alcohol we could find until 2 am.
(A/N= 2 am 😂 Any fans?!)

~Time skips (2 days later)~

~Jennie P.O.V.~
It has been a few days since we saved Lisa. I had been in contact with Luna and Luna said that Lisa doesn't leave her room very often. Luna talked about how she was worried about Lisa's mental health and that she is going through a hard time. The way Luna talks about her just reminds me of how much she cares about her and how good of a couple they are. Today I had yo go the Bloody Moon house and collect the stuff that I used while I was living in the Bloody Moon house. I drove to the address I knew from my memory. There was 80 per cent chance that I will see Lisa at the house.

(A/N= Disclaimer: from this point of this episode, there will be suicidal activities that will be done by one of the characters in the story. If you are sensitive with this topic I would advise you to close this episode now. I will write a quick summary of what happened in the next episode, so you won't miss out any key events.)

~Lisa P.O.V.~
I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror. Disgusting. I didn't only cheat on Luna but also broke Jennie's heart. What purpose do I have in this world anyway? I feel like doing something selfish today, I feel like not caring about what others will think or suffer from. I feel like ignoring other peoples emotions and saving myself from the pain that I can't stand anymore. I feel like existing this world for good. I feel like if I go now, right now, it won't hurt anymore.
In my hand, I have one of the knives we used to kill many people before. I never thought I would use it for myself. I looked at the bathroom floor which had my letter that talks about everything I did: to Jennie, to Luna, to every single person that I have ever hurt or killed. People say words are your biggest weapon but the knife I was holding in my hand was my biggest weapon. Nothing someone can say to me right now will stop me from using this knife on m myself. I-

"Hellooo! Anyone home? I'm here to collect the stuff I left!" I heard the voice that I admired say. I didn't do anything. I continued to stare at myself at the mirror, blankly. As if the view I see will suddenly change and I will become a better person. I heard the door open of the bathroom.
"L-Lisa... Give me the knife," Jennie said while stuttering. I gave her the knife right away. I don't know why. I guess I did want someone to come to get me. Maybe I didn't want to die. I looked at her. I looked at her hair, her eyes, her cheeks. She looked at me.
"What do you think you are doing?" Jennie asked and threw the knife at the floor. I went to her and hugged her as tight as I possibly can. I needed that.
"I-I'm sorry Jennie! I'm so sorry! I hate myself. I hate this!" I continued to hug her. She hugged back and started sobbing loudly. She kneeled down while still hugging me. We were pressing our hearts to each other on the bathroom floor. She went back.
"I love you,"

ALRIGHTTT *nervous laugh*
This got serious really quick didn't it? I'm sorry if the last part made some people uncomfortable. I personally like to touch on sensitive subjects on fanfics; like depression, homosexuality and suicide. I think that it makes a deeper meaning for the writer and the reader. And the reader can usually sense the passion while reading the story.

I am aware that fanfics are supposed to be fun and entertaining so if you are uncomfortable or don't like to read about topics like this please let me know. I will stop if people doesn't like it.

Hope you liked the episode!
See you next Wednesday!!💫✨✨🌌

I'm gonna add a meme to brighten the mood a bit. LoL


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