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Already dressed in my straight sky blue dress, I walked to take my Veil from the bed and walked back to the mirror to re apply my make up.  Amir told me yesterday, when he came back  from his meeting with Khalifa ,he said he want to take me out for lunch today and who am I to disagree. Of course, I told him yes cos it has been long I went out and I'm so feeling to go out today.

I also told him that, I'd love to visit Aisha's parents and he agree to drive me there after our lunch. I tried calling Aisha today again but it wasn't going through , each day that passes I must just see to it that I called Aisha's phone but to no avail ,it always go to voicemail.

" Ameera " I heard Amir calling out my name,i quickly put on my wedge shoe and went to open the door for him.

OMG, he was already dressed in a  blue T-shirt and black trousers that make him really look good in a nice way. I gave him a once over and when I look up to meet his eye, he was smirking at me.

" Done checking me out"

I blushed in shame that he caught me staring

" I wasn't checking you out "

" really now " he fold his arm over his chest as he said this, he chuckled.

" I'm serious "

" My little wifey, you need not be shy. I'm your husband and you are free to always check me out anytime, anywhere. " 

I look down shyly

He raise my head up to meet his eyes and I was shocked by the intensity I met in those beautiful eyes. Was it all for me.

" I-i I think we should get going " I blurt out  cos I feel so uneasy when he gives me all those look. I'm still trying to get use to it, to him and everything that involves Amir.

He blinked and quietly cleared his throat " yeah, you're right. We should get going"

He turn to leave but turn back to face me again, now with a sincere smile.

" you look beautiful in your dress little wifey"

Really? But why do you always call me little wify... I wanted asking but I only shyly smile back at him.

" and we also match" he added with a smile , I didn't understood what he meant but when I noticed that he wore a  blue T-shirt and I a sky blue gown, my cheeks warm up.

" let's go amir" I drawled out cos I couldn't help it. He just love  making me blush.

He chuckled and turn to leave while I trailed behind him as we walk out of the house to his car.


The car came to a stop at the front of a restaurant. Sumptuous food restaurant was written at the top of the building.

We both got down from the car and walked side by side into the restaurant. The door was opened by Amir and I went in first and he came in after I did. He already booked a table for us before coming and we were directed to our table by the waitress. I love how the restaurant look so beautiful and how the setting is. To me, the restaurant has this feel of love in the air cos most people who are in here are almost all couples or friends. You might be wondering how I know all this?

I notice this from the way they smile at each other and by the silent song which is playing ...

C'mon Ameera, concentrate on what brought you here and stop looking at other people

I mentally scolded myself and turn to look at Amur who was already looking at me.

I gave him a questioning look and he smile at me.

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