1 - A Very Special Occasion

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Today marked Bilbo Baggins' 111th birthday. It wasn't uncommon for a Hobbit to live so long, though I didn't view being that old as a good thing. Who would want to live only to have themselves become wrinkly, old, and white-haired? Bilbo never saw aging as a bad thing.

I would never understand my adoptive father.

Naturally, when it came to his birthday, Bilbo wasn't one to keep it hushed up. He made every birthday special with a party. Believe it or not, those parties got bigger and bigger each year. Just when Hobbits thought that they had seen it all from Bilbo Baggins, he found a way to wow them the following year.

I was out of the hobbit-hole since this morning, roaming Hobbiton, watching those who were setting up for Bilbo's party later. I wanted to help, but Bilbo insisted that I didn't, that I should take what time I could of today to enjoy myself. Something about his tone told me that he had something planned, something big. Even Frodo suspected it.

Speaking of my adoptive brother, he was already out, enjoying the nice day. I had considered joining him, but I figured he wanted time alone. It wasn't like we were children anymore, where we both had to stick together at all times.

Besides, the Shire wasn't a dangerous place...for the most part.

The sky was a clear blue, clouds a pearly white. The sun was high but not hot. Hobbiton was the most beautiful place ever, not that I had much to compare it to. I hadn't been anywhere but the Shire. I didn't know much about the outside world, I just knew of places named. I was the opposite of Bilbo and Frodo in that aspect; they were curious about other lands. I personally would rather stay in the Shire than go anywhere outside of it.

I tried to return friendly gestures to those who tried to talk to me.

"Marlena!" a high voice squeaked. I jumped at the shrill voice. I nearly got run into by Rose.

I blew my curly, dark brown bangs away from my face to see Rose's bright face smiling at me. Outside of my adoptive family, Rosie was one of the few Hobbits that I talked to in the Shire. She and I were almost the same height, about three and a half feet. She and I contrasted greatly. Whereas she was very peppy and outgoing, I was reserved. She had a lighter shade of brown hair, very curly like mine, but shoulder length, whereas mine fell to the middle of my back. Her eyes were a very light blue compared to my brown.

"Goodness, Rosie," I stammered, holding a hand to my heart. "Want to give me anymore of a heart attack?"

"Sorry. I was hoping to see you before the party later. I'm glad that I am."

"Why's that?"

"Well..." She started tugging me along casually down the path, past some hobbit-holes. "I need your advice on what to wear."

"Rosie, it's a party, not a ball." I giggled. "Besides, when do you ever come to me for what to wear?"

"You're my friend, I care about your opinion."

"Are you going with someone?"

"No," she huffed.

A light bulb flickered in my head. "Do you want to impress somebody there?" I wiggled my eyebrows.

"Maybe." She dragged out the word, a slight skip in her step, confirming my guess. I knew exactly who it was, too.

Rosie had a secret thing for Samwise Gamgee, our gardener. Yes, it sounded odd, but it's true. Rosie's family and Sam's were pretty close, and at one time, the two had been close. Lately, they'd been drifting apart. I caught onto it quicker than Frodo had. Sam was Frodo's best friend, just a good friend to me.

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