47 - "Everything is Possible When There's Hope."

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"Memories?" I repeated, the word alien on my tongue.

"At certain times, your brain is trying to remember things; therefore they show in your subconscious," Legolas explained. "These visions you claim to have, it's your mind recovering was once was lost. Objects, or even people, anything that was once in your life at some point in time seem to trigger certain memories for you"."

"Remarkable," Aragorn murmured.

"Does this mean there is hope for her?" Gimli asked, hopeful.

"I think it means exactly that," Legolas mused. "If this keeps up, there is a chance she will remember everything."

Now that we knew what my dreams really were, we were another step closer in the right direction.

"Does this mean that other things can help her?" Merry asked Legolas.

"It is possible. It was proven today," the Elf reported.

If only Gandalf and Pippin were here to share this revelation! They would surely be ecstatic about it. I needed to tell Éowyn about this discovery when I saw her later, she would definitely love to hear about this!

My mood wasn't dampened for the rest of the day. As soon as I saw Éowyn, I told her about the find. She was happy and hoped that the memories continued to come to me. She, like so many others, hoped for the same thing.

Legolas, Gimli, Merry, and Aragorn decided that the training would continue tomorrow, adding in archery next time. I wasn't too keen about that, so the archery was a maybe.

Everything passed by in a blur following the training. Supper went without trouble. Sadly, during that time, nobody provided me with information about myself. They were probably relying on me to remember things, that way they didn't feel the need to tell me everything.

After supper, I retired to get a bath. I walked with wet hair and a skip in my step. There was no way that I could have nightmares tonight with my cheery mood. Nothing would dampen my spirits at this point.

I was a few feet from my room when I heard voices coming from inside it.

"I wish I could tell her the things that only she would know, but she wouldn't believe them." It sounded like Merry. Was Éowyn in the room with him? He couldn't be talking to the walls. "She said she'd try to believe us, but with what I want to tell her, she'd think its rubbish."

"I don't think she would." Éowyn's voice filled the room. I pressed myself against the wall, trying to inch closer mutely; I didn't want them to know that I was lurking just outside of the way. "You know her the best, yes?"

"Out of those here who know her, yes."

"Then she would have to believe you."

"Quite honestly, my lady, I'm just thankful she's willing to believe she knew us." Merry laughed half-heartedly.

"Well, whatever you are holding back, she might not reject what you have to tell her." Éowyn sounded confident. "I know you are afraid of what she could do if you tell her what you want to say, but giving it a shot couldn't hurt, Merry. You have to find the courage to tell her."

"Right now, I don't think there's a right time." He sighed.

"There will be, you just have to find it. When you do, you'll know."

"Just don't mention this to anyone else?" he pleaded.

"I won't say a word."

Rise (Lord of the Rings)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang