50 - A Call to Heed

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I didn't know where I was. I knew I was alone, near a small pond. All was silent.

Timidly, I approached the pond, kneeling at its edge. I peered into the water, only to see my reflection. Suddenly, the water rippled, producing images before my eyes. They weren't scenes, more like flickers of images. The pond started off with the Black Rider, galloping through an eerie forest, its screeching ear-piercing. The water rippled again, showing more Riders, only they were invading the Shire. Fires sprouted in homes, Hobbits ran out into the roads, panicked by the fires and even more frightened by the Riders as they barreled through.

I could only stare at the pond in horror. Was this to be the Shire's fate if Sauron won over Middle-earth?

The scene in the water changed again. It showed a battle, involving everyone I knew: Gandalf, Aragorn, Merry, Pippin, Legolas, and Gimli. I even saw King Théoden and Éomer. Where they were fighting, I wasn't sure. I didn't see myself anywhere on the battlefield.

I watched as they all fought, slaying hideous creatures I could only assume to be Uruk-hai and Orcs. The pond focused on Merry and Pippin, them both fighting back-to-back. My heart thumped in my throat, uneasy.

If only I could look away.

I screamed as I saw Pippin was struck down. I clutched at my chest, feeling a piece of my heart break off. The look on my face couldn't compare to Merry's, who cried out for his fellow Hobbit. He went into a rage, attacking enemies near him just to clear the path to get to Pippin. He knelt down beside his friend, shaking Pippin as though it would wake him, wailing amidst the chaos.

The look in Merry's eyes changed. I saw bloodlust, vengeance. Somehow, I felt what his eyes showed: the anger, the pain, the need for revenge.

Merry charged into the madness, his anger fueled his body. I felt the urge to bite my nails. I felt helpless. I couldn't just dive into the battle through the water...or could I?

Despite the horrific scene playing out before me, my fingertips touched the water. An incredible force sucked me off my knees, plunging me into the water. I was as good as dead.

Only, I realized I hadn't drowned, I had entered the battle.

The sounds muffled by the water were now magnified now that I was in the middle of things. I saw Pippin's slain body, my stomach threatened to make me throw up. I drew out my sword—where did that come from?—and dove in to aid Merry.

I maneuvered through the various duels taking place. I tripped over something solid, falling onto my stomach. I struggled to my feet only to yell wordlessly. It had happened so fast.

The moment my eyes found Merry, a nasty Uruk-hai had swiped at him, getting a clean slice on Merry's throat.

Blood spattered the ground, the Hobbit fell still.


"NO!" I screamed, bolting awake. I breathed heavily, opening my eyes to darkness. I whimpered, feeling sweat race down my forehead.

"Marlena!" Éowyn's voice made me yelp. She stood in the threshold. "I'm sorry, I just—I heard you scream. What happened?"

"Bad dream," I panted. "I'm fine now." I noticed a bundled napkin in her arms. I sighed. "I missed a meal again, huh?"

"Yes, you slept in pretty late. I thought something was wrong." She crossed the room to my cot. She handed me the food.

"Thank you."

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