17 - One Way

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Why did I feel like I was slightly swaying? And how come I didn't feel a cloak draped over my body? Was it just me, or was the rock wall moving? My feet felt like they were dangling...

I attempted to stretch my arms, but I realized one was squished between my body and another's. I blinked my eyes awake, startled. Since when did any of the Fellowship have the right to carry me like a baby in their arms?

"Whose bright idea was this?" I demanded through a yawn. "Whoever thought this was funny, it isn't."

"Be thankful you're not over my shoulder like you were the first time I had to carry you."

I guess it was better to have Aragorn carrying me than Boromir.

I looked up at the sky, detecting no signs of foul weather. Still, it felt a bit dreary with the clouds hanging above us in the Pass of Caradhras. Are we even on the Pass at all?

"Why didn't anybody wake me?" I complained.

"Everyone was against waking you," Gimli said gruffly. I tried to peek past Aragorn's shoulder to find the Dwarf. "I can't blame them, knowing what you're capable of."

"And just what is that supposed to mean?"

"We told them how irritated you get when you're woken up early," Sam piped. "And given that you can fight a little bit, we figured it was safer to have someone carry you so you could sleep rather than wake you and risk you hurting someone."

That sounded a little bit of out my character. True, I'd be grouchy with them since I was never a morning person, but I certainly wouldn't whip out a sword and start swiping.

Speaking of my weapons, I didn't feel them hanging from my sides. I figured someone had them, so I didn't bother to panic and begin a questionnaire. I didn't put up a fuss about Aragorn carrying me either, I wasn't too keen on being on my feet just yet.

But Aragorn wasn't going to let me stay lazy. He eventually set me down on my feet, making me linger in the pack with Gimli, Frodo, Pippin, and Merry, with Boromir and Sam behind us.

There was a slight fog when getting off the mountain. The day felt muggy and looked it. I took over for Sam when he got tired of dragging the pony along. I needed something to do anyway, and I wanted to keep an eye on Boromir since most of the others very well couldn't.

When the sky got darker, I knew another day was ending. Sam had taken over pony pulling duty again, leaving me to wander in the middle of the pack. Gandalf continued on, Gimli close with him. The Dwarf's idea had better pay off. After all, we endured a blizzard to travel to these mines. I'd hate to think that we made it out of the Pass of Caradhras with nothing to receive for our efforts.

We were back to somewhat level ground now. The night sky was strikingly dark. There was no moon to use as light, so we all had to rely on our senses. The ground beneath our feet changed; we were walking on rocks. I detected the smell of saltwater.

Our marching sounded like the loudest noise around us. If there were enemies following, they could easily hear us.

Someone had stepped into the water on accident; I heard water splash. The water skimmed my feet at one point so I kept on the rocky terrain.

When Gandalf halted, the rest of the Fellowship did. We stood before a huge rock wall that was accompanied by two trees whose roots shot in and out of the rocks we stood on.

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