48 - Secrets, Faith, and Waiting

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            "You don't give in easily," Merry noted as he wrapped my slit palm.

Ever since arriving back to the Golden Hall, Merry insisted that he be the one to tend to my training wound. Nobody argued with him once they realized he wasn't going to change his mind on the issue.

We were situated back in my room, both of us sitting on my cot. I made sure to tuck my weaponry away so I didn't trip over it again.

"I wouldn't have if it was a real fight," I answered, flinching as the wrapping was tugged tighter. "Besides, I wouldn't let a cut palm stop me."

"I know, you've been through worse things."

"I have?"

"Nobody told you about your injuries?"

"Well, from what I've noticed, apparently I hurt my back, because I have stitches there." I shivered. "I have a head wound, and my right arm is scarring. Not to mention my left arm has seen a bit of action as well."

"Well, I can't tell you about your back, or your right arm, but you had an arrow stuck in your left arm once."

"How did I manage that?"

"It's a long story." He said this quickly, like he wanted to avoid discussing it. "There, it's done." I looked at Merry's handiwork. It didn't look sloppy like I had expected, but very neat.

"I seem to be injured no matter where I go." I sighed heavily.

"I think we'll take it easy for a day or two, for you to rest," Merry suggested.

"I have no problem with that." I flinched when Merry brushed against my healing forehead wound. He stared at it, like he had never seen one before.

"This must be the reason behind your memory loss," he muttered. "Aragorn mentioned that you got in a scrap with some stairs and hit them hard."

"I fell down stairs?" That sounded like such an idiotic way to lose my memory.

"Well, you were in battle." He shrugged. "You were near an edge; you fell over and collided with stairs on your way down. That's what Aragorn told me, at least. I'm sure he wouldn't lie about something like that."

"He probably wouldn't," I agreed. I looked around the room. "I just wish I didn't have to endure this."

"How about we forget about our worries for a bit?"

"How are we doing that?" I raised an eyebrow curiously.

Merry sprung from the cot, grabbing my wrists. Without resisting, I was pulled to my feet.

"Dancing?" I half laughed.

"Unless you have a better idea."

He whisked me across the cold floor. I felt more at ease with dancing without any pairs of unwanted eyes on me. I giggled, blushing bright red as Merry led me around the room. This couldn't be his first time dancing with a girl. It certainly wasn't the first time we had danced together; we had on the night of the celebration in the Golden Hall.

Occupying myself like this really did distract me from all that was going on in Middle-earth. It was like my mind became blank, filled with nothing but joy. I couldn't imagine how dull things would be here in Edoras if Merry had joined Gandalf and Pippin on their ride to Minas Tirith.

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