9 - A Major Setback

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9 - A Major Setback

Those Wraiths were persistent, I had to admit it.

Dreading that the Wraiths were actually here in the dead of night and I wasn't hearing things, I forced myself to join Frodo. I heard someone gasp behind us.

There, walking through the fog, were five Wraiths, cloaked in black. This was ten times more dangerous, having five find us instead of one. They have one for each of us. Whether that was planned or by chance, I wasn't sure.

"Go!" Frodo urged, whipping out his sword. I dashed back to retrieve mine as the boys pulled theirs out.

Where had the boys gone? They had just been here not a minute ago! They were quick to run from trouble. There was no way that I was being left alone to defend myself!

I whimpered, turning three-sixty until I found a stairwell. It seemed to be the only place they'd go if they were trying to get away. I didn't look back as I skittered to the top of the watchtower. I reached the boys, who were looking around in the darkness anxiously. I jumped into the group, holding my semi-heavy sword.

The wind picked up, the temperature plummeted.

We formed a tight circle, surveying the top of the watchtower. Moonlight bathed us all. I noticed that parts of the watchtower had crumbled and acted like debris across the ground. Maybe if the debris was light, we could throw it at the Wraiths. Then again...maybe that wasn't a smart idea.

I kind of wished for the fire now—maybe Wraiths feared fire. If it could attract them, maybe it could fend them off too.

I felt like I was being pushed into the circle of boys more than standing alongside them. I knew they were concerned for me, but it was kind of ridiculous. I wasn't the one that needed the most protection, Frodo did. He had the Ring. If anything, he should be the one being pushed into the middle of the circle.

My heart quickened. We weren't ready to take on Wraiths. We had no experience with sword fighting. The only advantage we had was most likely luck...if we even had that.

Where was Strider when we needed him?

Speaking of the Man, he was nowhere in sight. I knew he couldn't be trusted! Now is not the time to gloat to Frodo. Do so after you survive this. Taking a look around for Strider meant he sold us out to the Wraiths.

Being here almost defenseless proved that we couldn't trust strangers.

My breath hitched in my throat when I saw darkness move. I tried to take a half step back. Even without its horse, the Wraith was massive and intimidating. An armored hand reached for the hilt of its sword, pulling it out of its carrier.

My eyes scanned the area. The Wraith's four other companions decided to join the party. My mind told me to run away, but my body told me to stay here and take a stand—though it sounded stupid.

Remember, keep Frodo safe. They want the Ring, they can't have it.

The five Wraiths—all swords out, pointed towards us—converged. I wanted to act, but my mind kept me from doing so. Instead, Sam was the first to act.

"Back, you devils!" he barked.

Sam clashed swords with only two of the Wraiths. He gave me a short burst of courage to dive into the fray. Pippin, Merry, and Frodo stayed back. Sam was tossed aside. I tried my hardest but was grabbed harshly and thrown the opposite way Sam had been thrown. I rolled along the cold brick ground. My sword slipped through my hand, scooting a few feet away from me.

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