Twin Brother

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I slid the keys in the opening and opened the door. As I got in, my brother followed. Dropping our bags on the ground and heading upstairs. We always had a lot of fun together. Most brothers and sisters would have fights about arguments and such. But we didn't. You could almost say that we were the perfect brother and sister image.

After some gaming mom yelled that dinner was ready. So I stood up and walked down the stairs. My brother never went down with me to catch dinner. As I sat down at the table I looked at my hands. Wanting to ask my parents why.



"Why does Kale never ea-"

"Don't say that name here.. Understood?!.."

I couldn't even finish my sentence before her raspy voice lured through the kitchen. I looked at my dad. He was cooking. Not really into the conversation. We ate dinner with the three of us. After dinner, it was time to clean the dishes. I wanted to be quick. I needed an explanation. Because I just realized, I have never seen him eat. Not at home nor at school. Worry filled my stomach. When I was done with the last plate, I rushed up the stairs. He wasn't there. And his room was full of boxes. I wanted to ask my parents again. But after what my mom said. I was scared. Where was he? I didn't let it slip. But I knew I couldn't do anything about it yet. Tomorrow we will see.

The next morning I got out of bed and prepared for school. Again, Kale was nowhere to be found. As I got my bike out of the shed, I saw his bike wasn't there. I went to school. I looked a bit lost. And I think people noticed.

"Morning! Everything good..?"

I looked at the teacher.

"Don't you think something is missing?"


I sighed.

"Nevermind then..."

I walked away. Heading to my locker to put my jacket in. What in the actual fuck happened to him?! I am worried that he's missing. But I am more worried about the thing that it just looks like he doesn't exist?! Like, at all.

So yeah, the class was boring. In break time I went to the reception to check if Kale would be recognizable in the school's system. But as I searched his name. Nothing popped up. Except for my profile because of our last name.

After school, I headed back home. Still not wanting to ask my parents. I looked through the paperwork of my parents. Until I found something interesting. My birth book and my mom's pregnancy book. I started reading. It felt like I was close... But then my mom walked up the stairs and asked what I was doing.

"I want to know mom... Where is my brother?!"

She sat down next to me.

"You know... I always knew you were special"

I tolled my eyes. What kind of speech was this?! I just want to know... IS IT THAT HARD?!

"Mom, please.."


She laid a hand on my shoulder.

".. Kale doesn't exist. At Least, not here.."

"W-what do you mean..?!"

"Kale died at the pregnancy, Flora"

"But what about yesterday, MOM?! And the day after yesterday and every day before those days?!"

"Honey, he never was here. All in your mind..."

I started to tear up.

"B-but how could everything just... D-disappear..?.."

I sniffed. Looking at my mom.

"By realization..."

She stood up. Walking back down. With puffy eyes and stained tears on my cheeks, I cleaned all the mess up I made. Then I followed my mom. But instead of walking all the way down, I stopped at my room and walked in. Landing on my bed. I saw a mannequin looking figure standing by my window.


He turned around with a soft smile.

"Sorry for lying sis... I couldn't leave you alone..."

I kept silent. Again tearing up.

"I know you're mad. But I don't belong here. I have to go. I will be around. I promise.."

And then he disappeared into thin air.


Losing my twin-brother made me feel


But how can I feel it if I've never met


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