Last Words [Version 1]

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I opened my eyes. Staring at the ceiling. As I got up I noticed I fell asleep while still wearing my lingerie last night. My stomach hurts alot. Bandages were still covering the enormous wound I got from the car crash. He shouldn't drink while he was driving. But I am also glad he did. Now I don't need to hear his bullshit anymore.

My friend was next door. We met each other in the hospital. We became friends. But when I betrayed him. I left. He went after me. Followed me home and had a fight with my dad because he abused me. Then my dad took me in our car. He got drunk while driving and we crashed. Flying through the front window. A big piece of glass got stuck in my stomach. And that's how I got here. In this hospital what I can almost call home now. I had nowhere to go. My dad died, my mom and sister are somewhere alse. I didn't know where. And so did they.

I grabbed some clothes and put them on. Wanting to walk to my friend. So I did. I got out my room and walked to his. But I heared something. Like a doctor. Not that its rare here, but still. My curious nose wanted to know what's up. I placed the side of my head against the door.

"-how to walk. But you will never be able to dance ever again. Its to risky"

"What?! I-I can learn... Right..??.."

"I am sorry. That isn't possible sir. I will go now. Catch some rest"

I heard foodsteps coming towards the door. My feet wanted to step backwards but I was too late. The door opened and I fell on the left side of my body. It started to hurt alot.

"I am sorry. Are you alright miss?!"

The doctor kneeled down next to me.


A raspy voice escaped my mouth. As the doctor helped me up I placed my hand on the covered wound. The doctor went away and I stumbled to the nearest chair. I saw that Thomas was here too. He sat on the side of the bed. Comforting his boyfriend. My friend, aka Alec, already fell asleep.

"Hey Sara"


I gave a soft smile. My voice still sounding like nails on a school board. Breathing hurts alot. So I took as less oxygen as possible to make the pain less worse. Until I couldn't breathe at all. The only thing tjat escaped my mouth where weird notices like a hamster got stuck between a door.

"Sara. Are you okay..?"

I didn't say anything. Not even a nod. Only my hands moved towards my neck out of reaction. Thomas runned over to me.

"This is not good.."

"I-I c-can't breathe.."

The only words that could escape my mouth. My hands slid over to his chest. Grabbing his shirt tight. Not wanting to loose grip on life. He pushed the red button like a hundred times. But the nurses didn't come.


I started to faint. Loosing grip on his shirt. Finally the nurses came in. They immediately took me to the O.R.

I only heard faint notices and voices. Untill I hadn't any more oxygen left.

Again I woke up. But I was stuck. Stuck in a chest? Iron walls were around me and a blanket like fabric over me. It was ice cold in here.


I heard someone opening a door. The ground underneath me started to move outwards and the vlanket got removed.

"Oh my... How did you get here?!"

Light blinded my eyes. I blinked a couple of times and then saw the nurse.

"I don't know..."

I sat up straight and then saw where I actually was. It shocked me a bit. I was in a body fridge. Instantly I jumped off the metal plate.


The nurse handed me a pair of clothes.

"Take this... Do you know your room number? "

"Yes, its 2.75"

She turned around and looked at the monitor in the room. Pressing some keys on the keyboard. Then it was silent for a bit. She turned back around. Opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out. She stood up and left the room. A bit in a hurry. As she closed the doors behind her I sat down in front of the monitor. My eyes widened.

"Patient has died by lack of oxygen"

"Time 10:27"

I noticed that my heart wasn't beating. I wasn't beating. I was pale and ice cold.

I was dead...


Life after death is noting more than a


version of you.

The death should be


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