8. Genius in the lab

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After the three of you finish eating and clearing the table, you flock to the couch.

"Bighit is his label and his studio- Genius Lab, is inside The Bighit building. So all we need to do is compel someone to let us through, go to him in his room and lock ourselves in there." Jungkook says smugly.

"Dude... wait that actually isn't a bad idea." You look at Namjoon in agreement.

"Mmhm, Thank you thank you." He flips his non existent hair off his shoulders.

"you're right, once we're in there we can make him stay up all night to get him tired. That way he can fully experience fatigue or 'sloth'." Namjoon adds with finger quotation.

"Hopefully he can unlock his powers right in front of us... but then comes the actual hard bit- we need to convince him to come with us." You frown.

You bite your nails and internally groan. "Don't forget, we've got four more people to find after him." You mumble.

"The price we pay for being superheroes." Namjoon jokes.

"Preach to that." Jungkook pump a fist into the air.
"Well let's get going." You say.

"Woah woah woah! We can't just run off to Bighit. We need to practice our powers and properly plan entry times and routes and stuff. Y/N needs to do a lot of compelling so nothing goes wrong." Namjoon intervenes.

You nod. "You're right, we should all practice on strangers."

Jungkook nods in agreement. "I have a question though. Well two. First of all, why do you think Luhan told Y/N about everything in the first place? He could've just come here."

"It's weird isn't it... he's evil, I'm guessing he just wanted to torment us." Namjoon shrugs.

"And your second question?" You ask.

Jungkook continues. "How exactly do we stop Luhan? After we hopefully gather the other five?"

You scratch you neck and shrug. "Honestly, I'm hoping the girl I told you about appears again. Hopefully she'll tell us."

"All right, lets get practising." Jungkook says after a while.

-A few days later-

The three of you pack some spare clothes and things that you might need into a backpack each before heading out to Seoul.

You hail a taxi an compel them to take you to Seoul.

"I kind of feel bad for taking advantage of people..." you admit. Namjoon pouts and shakes his head.

"Think of it as a way of them repaying us for saving them later. Because we will save them. You can count on it."
He gives you a small 'fighting' gesture.

"Do you... do you think we should tell the police? About Luhan I mean. Maybe they'd help us against him?" Jungkook say looking at you and Joon.

Namjoon thinks for a second before shaking his head.
"They'd lock us up and experiment on us."

"Yeah... But wouldn't people know anyway, what if someone sees a Saker?" You then turn you head to glance out of the window.
All these civilians. Innocent people. They don't deserve to be crippled by Luhans greed.

"We need to keep them as ignorant as possible." Namjoon says sternly.

The driver pulls onto the side of the road and stays silent. You turn to Joon and Jungkook to exchange nods before stepping out, in front of the building.

"Here goes nothing." You mutter to yourself. The three of you walk side by side to the security guard. You look at him as he stares down at your monotonously.
He looks super scary with those sunglasses and sharp uniform. Oh well, hope this works. I've practiced days for this.

"Let us pass." You say calmly and clearly. The guy looks at you for a few seconds before scoffing.

"Nice try. Now move along."
Shock engulfs you and you turn back to the boys with a look of horror on your face. Joon thinks for a second, he then snaps his fingers and brushes past you to yank the security guards sunglasses off.

"Now!" Joon yells at you as he tries to dodge the angry guard. You jump in front of Joon to face the guard.

"Let's us through."
You say a little more sternly. You sigh with relief as you see him step aside and open the door.

"Oh thank god!" Jungkook huffs. "Let's go before he snaps out of it."

You all rush into the building. Looking around, you walk towards the receptionist.
"Get AgustD's manager to come here and meet us, say we're here from Star Reporters." You say as you look into her eyes. In an instant she dials a number and rings.

After hushed whispers, she hangs up and stands still.
"Wait.. why did I listen to you." The lady says genuinely confused.
You sigh and look into her eyes again.

"Stay silent and still unless I say otherwise, after we leave, forget us and go on with your day."
She nods in understanding

"So... did she call him?"  Jungkook asks. You nod and see an aged man in a stylish suit speed walk to you.

"Hello, I'm Yoongis manager... you must be the...reporters?" His statement was more like a question.
The manager scans the three of you up and down- clearly disappointed with our plain appearance. Without sparing a second, you step up and compel him.

"We are reporters- really famous reporters. Take us to Yoongi without question. If anyone asks, Yoongi went home already. After we shut the door of the studio, you will believe that Yoongi is no longer in the country- hes on holiday to America."  The manager nods and starts walking off.

"This is actually pretty easy." Joon beams with a smile. You clap and follow the manager. After many twists and turns, you're taken to a door at the end of a corridor with a gold plaque.
Genius Lab.

You nod towards the manager and enter. Yoongi's sitting at his computer. When he hears the door open, he turns around and eyes the three of you confused.

He hears you tell his manager to leave and forget about you, Namjoon and Jungkook.
And with that, you turn to Yoongi and smile. Joon takes out rope from his bag and ties the door handle so it can't be opened easily.

"What the hell?" Yoongi asks as he stands up from his seat.
"Who are you two?" He asks.

You take a deep breath.
Here we go, round two.

"I know you're confused and what I'm about to say will shock you. Or make you laugh. But we need you to sit down and just listen to us."

Yoongis perplexed expression doesn't fade.
"What's going on? What did my manager put you guys up to?"

"Nothing. We just need to tell you something." Jungkook chips in. You look to him and nod.
Stepping closer, you point to Yoongis chair.

"Sit down. It's a long story." You say. Yoongi plops down, still baffled.

"Okay so... Yoongi, you've never met your birth parents right?"

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